View Full Version : starting a new job tomorrow ... here we go again!

14-09-14, 15:31
Feel like I was just posting about my last job that I ended up leaving ... tomorrow I start my new job! I am nervous but also have a better feeling about this one overall.

My only concern is I have 2 managers ... one I answer to 3 days a week, one I answer to 2 days a week. I can't get a hold of one of them to find out when she wants me in and where to go. I have called, left her message, and emailed her. Maybe she was on vacation but no vacation message on her line.

I know where to go tomorrow but not after that. Also I need her to OK a trip I booked months ago for November ... I feel a bit bad asking for it right away but we booked it a long time ago. One manager understood, haven't heard from the other.

Wish me luck :)

14-09-14, 15:38
First of all, congrats on the new job! It will probably be a little nerve-wracking at first, but hang in there and after that initial period I'm sure you'll do great!

Since you know what to do tomorrow, I assume you're going to be with your other manager? If so, I'd just ask them. It's possible since it's the weekend that the other person will get back to you tomorrow, but if they don't, this other person may have either a general idea of what you need to do, or a way of getting in touch with them.

Good luck and have fun!

14-09-14, 19:19
Thank you! Good idea, if I don't hear from her in the morning I will just ask the other manager. Maybe she will know or can steer me in the right direction.

I'm going out to get some new clothes today ... I feel like I'm a kid picking out my outfit for the first day of school lol

14-09-14, 20:47
Congratulations on the new job !

I agree with Poppy.

Hope your first day goes smoothly.

14-09-14, 23:33
Thank you :)

15-09-14, 08:58
Good luck for today - don't put too much pressure on yourself. Have you got something nice planned for the evening? Make sure you treat yourself.

16-09-14, 01:18
Thank you! My husband just took me out for dinner, which was nice. It was a good day. I like my supervisor and co-workers a lot. Finally got an answer from the other supervisor after the big boss got in touch with her so I spend all of tomorrow with her. I'm optimistic and happy so far! Just gotta figure out how to keep up with exercise with this schedule, as is good for my anxiety.

16-09-14, 03:59
I'm glad you had a great first day. I'm sure it will just get better from here :)

16-09-14, 12:02
Thank you! My husband just took me out for dinner, which was nice. It was a good day. I like my supervisor and co-workers a lot. Finally got an answer from the other supervisor after the big boss got in touch with her so I spend all of tomorrow with her. I'm optimistic and happy so far! Just gotta figure out how to keep up with exercise with this schedule, as is good for my anxiety.

Thats great news :yahoo:

16-09-14, 23:34
Thanks! I'm so relieved after my last job being awful and having to leave. I already feel like this is a MUCH better fit.