View Full Version : Panic Attack, But Normal Heart Rate

14-09-14, 18:57
Hi Everyone

I'm having a panic attack but my heart rate is normal, trembling, lightheaded, fuzzy, jelly legs, and the rest...

I tried to get a nap a couple of hours ago and my whole body was jerking as i was nodding off 12 times this happened and my father seen my body jump and it even frightened him as much as me.. This is what's triggered it

I feel so detached it's not right but the strange part is my heart is beating steady,...

Plz help...?? Anyone had their heart beat normal and still have all the other symptoms, plus this body jolting when I'm nodding off wtf!! :scared11::scared11::scared11::scared15::scared15: :scared15:

---------- Post added at 18:57 ---------- Previous post was at 18:54 ----------

My forehead keeps twitching and it feels like my scalp is tight Aaaaarrrgghhh I hate this!!!!!! SO MUCH

I was doing ok laughing away with my son hours ago :weep:

14-09-14, 19:02
I've had this many times my friend I always feel dizzy lightheaded and my heart is beating normal what happens after a panic attack your body goes on high alert mode coz it thinks your in danger the jerking thing is your nerves are still on alert hence the jerking you want to sleep but your body's trying to tell you you can't sleep your in danger do you understand what I mean?

14-09-14, 19:17
Yes it makes sense Sam thanks for your reply,

I'm shaking from head to toe and the lightheadedness is making me feel out of it, like I ain't in my body or something sorry if this doesn't make sense, I just replied to you on my post about reflux and I was ok then now BANG!!! Out of the blue.

---------- Post added at 19:17 ---------- Previous post was at 19:07 ----------

Really can't take this anymore!!!

14-09-14, 19:22
Yes I saw your reply :-) I know what you mean I suffer the same thing it's horrible the worst symptom is lightheaded ness for me I hate it

14-09-14, 19:34
Yeah it sure is I feel like I need to hold onto the walls or lie down with it, stress is an understatement what I'm under right now.

---------- Post added at 19:34 ---------- Previous post was at 19:28 ----------

Thank you Sam btw it means a lot to have someone to speak to right now as quick as you responded aswell :bighug1:

14-09-14, 19:44
Your welcome it really is nice to have someone to talk to especially going through the same things as well. I'm always on here so feel free to message me anytime I'll try get back to you as quick as I can. I know it's difficult at the moment but try to relax maybe distract yourself play a computer game or watch tv or a movie

15-09-14, 16:36
Hello Petesy,

Recently I have had the panic symptoms but with no added heart rate. I have chalked this up to the fact that I know it is not a heart attack now, so my heart rate stays normal. I am glad to check that symptom off the list. It scares me less now that my heart rate stays normal. I see that as progress. The symptom that I get that I hate the most is the disconnectedness. Feeling like I am not real and the world is not real. That is what would get my heart rate going.

I am sorry to hear you were going through that yesterday. And I have had the same frustration thinking how I was fine just a short while ago. I say be glad that your heart is beating normal, that shows your brain does have some level idea about what is going on. And it shows that we have control over this.

If it happens again (I like to use "if" because I believe we can all get rid of panic attacks) just know that you are not alone, millions feel this way everyday and you will be fine. Now let's all come up with a way to get rid of the disconnected feeling and I'm good!

16-09-14, 23:03
Hi Blytheford

That's a great way to look at it, really makes sense aswell,
I know all too well about that feeling of unreality (depersonalisation) really scary stuff happened to me once when I was cooking it frightened the shit out of me lasted about 45 mins and left me questioning my sanity but later found out it's apart of this monkey on our backs if I find out I'll be sure to post a massive thread on it..

Thanks again I'll tick this one off too :bighug1:
