View Full Version : Abdominal pain

14-09-14, 20:14
I'm trying not to worry but it's hard. I have pain in my right side, just under my ribs and round the side. At first I thought it was muscular as I only feel it when I bend in certain positions or breathe in deeply. Now I'm worried it could be something serious. I have no other symptoms. Has anyone else experienced pain like this? Any responses will be appreciated thank you xxx

14-09-14, 20:41
I have this! Are you constipated at all? I think it's mild ibs (which can be heavily brought on by stress and anxiety), I still get it when I know I'm going to need to go to the toilet soon. If you've got no other symptoms it's probably just something you ate and it's working its way around down there. X

14-09-14, 20:57
It seems higher than that, but can't feel it at all when sat still or lay down it's as soon as I move x

14-09-14, 21:57
Trapped wind! Hurts like bugger and can be hard to shift, but entirely harmless :-)

14-09-14, 22:30
It started yesterday morning nothing before that, the pain feels like muscle pain it's not painful enough for me to take painkillers but its stressing me a great deal xx

15-09-14, 00:50
I've started to have something similar but on both sides and mine seems to have been caused by over straining on the toilet? have you been constipated lately or had to strain on the toilet?

15-09-14, 14:05
i had this on Saturday morning bad pain in stomach and right side was being sick with chest and back pain. went to hospital had bloods my liver test came back high doc said cud b gall stones. I got go doc tomoz order scan on stomach im really scared. I keep thnking its cancer in body some where.