View Full Version : Wish I cud wake up and feel normal

14-09-14, 22:45
I just feel health anxiety is taken over my life everyday is a constant worry and I'm guna get old (hopefully) lol and regret all the wasted worrying ive done for the last six years . Wish I cud wake up tomoz and feel happy and worry free:( if anyone feels like they wana talk Just add it onto hear xxx

always worried
14-09-14, 22:51
Do you have any real symptoms? I have had HA for years and still struggle however I DO KNOW I have wasted years worrying about fears that simply did happen. Try not to dwell as your mind does create problems. Keep busy. ;)

14-09-14, 22:51
I wish that every day...

14-09-14, 23:26
Tell me about it. I'm so sick of being this way.

15-09-14, 01:42
Yeah ..me too xx

15-09-14, 10:05
Hat do u mean always worried ? U worried about symptoms that did happen ???? I have had lots of sympotoms twitching all over shaking its horrible x

15-09-14, 11:25
I think we all have that wish I no I do every day xx

15-09-14, 11:33
Can I ask what all of you are doing to achieve that dream of being symptom free?

15-09-14, 11:57
Good question Nicola!
I am trying to practise more belly 'breathing' before .i even get out of bed.. overall am trying yoga and meditation, but its a huge obstacle to get around.. And I think thats just it I'm trying to go around it instead of facing it and going 'through' it... And then some days just nothing works at all... If I can't beat it, I'm trying to learn to live with it... Its a daily battle.....

15-09-14, 16:23
Over time I have tried hypnosis acupuncture EFT time line vounciloring phycoligis phycitrist CBT herble stuff now I have given into meds sertaline today starts week Severn do I feel any more relaxed or able to cope a little better nope no change I have done relaxation before so like I say I am hoping the meds give me some kind space to try CBT gain we will see but you have to rember I have had this forty six years xxxxx