View Full Version : Hi I'm new here

15-09-14, 03:08
Hi there,
Just looking for a bit of advice/support/people in same boat sorta stuff.
I'm 34, very outgoing, driven, active etc, but anxiety has always been a thorn in my side since teenage years.

I've had anxiety since first year secondary school, and have managed it pretty well on my own until recently. I've had quite a few manifestations of anxiety, including panic attacks, OCD-type behaviours, phobias, mini breakdowns at work due to burnout, and postnatal depression after my little girl was born 3 years ago.

somehow (don't know how) I've managed to fight my way through all of the above without any medication and just through counselling. But now I've developed insomnia and a few other symptoms that have made it very difficult for me to enjoy my life, so I feel a bit desperate now, as I have a beautiful little girl who needs a happy mummy, and just don't know what to do.
I've had CBT and it was brilliant, I was a star client when there, did all the homework, but still turn into a shivering wreck at night when I'm alone with nobody else awake, just dreading the long hours of hell ahead.
Any help would be much appreciated, and sorry for the long, gloomy post.
Sal xx

15-09-14, 03:53
Hi im new as well, Im dealing with horrible intrusive thoughts that feel so real, I also am bad at night thats when the guilt feels really bad. I get so scared im going to harm myself so I've been sleeping in my mom's room. Im sorry you have no one else to be up with you, maybe you should try calling someone at night when you feel really bad just to hear a voice and know everything is ok ?

15-09-14, 07:39
Welcome to NMP. A while ago I gave up coffee and ciggies and this helped me sleep better, I don't know if you do either of these things. I wish you all the best.

15-09-14, 23:11
Thanks for replies, hugs to you both. I could write a book on intrusive thoughts lol.

As for caffeine and fags, I don't do either coz I'm a singer and it totally messes up my voice. Don't drink either really. My weakness is sugar, but have cut that out too to try and help my body stop being naughty xx

15-09-14, 23:19
I too have had trouble sleeping. I have tried medications and they work for a while. I really need to try the therapy thing.

I have recently tried to de-clutter my life. Hard to do when you have 3 kids and wife who lives for knick knacks. But in general I have found fewer things, fewer commitments, less junk, less work (if possible) has led me to calmer times.

Also, sometimes I write down all my worries before I go to sleep so it allows me to put it aside until the morning.

I hope that helps a bit.

16-09-14, 01:00
Thanks. That's a good idea. I've been thinking I should do that for ages.
Sal :)