View Full Version : Mornings!!!

15-09-14, 05:39
Hi guys, for the last two months I've been plagued with morning anxiety and panic attacks, I went on holiday for two weeks and this subsided, I came back and now it has started again!!!
What does this mean??? I'm sick of waking up in the morning with anxiety! Does it get better?

up a ladder
15-09-14, 07:39
Hi Pingu.
Do you mean before you are up or when you are up and about? With me it is always within 30 seconds of waking up and lying in bed.
Mornings are when I always had the worst anxiety (other than when facing a big event). If you think about it, there are a couple of reasons why. Firstly I think that as you wake up you are completely anxiety free, but as your brain reminds you that you are a sufferer and you have to face the day coming. You can then feel everything start, with me it is like a feeling of everything drawing into me and tightening up. Once I am up and distracted, it calms down.
For me, this is utterly normal and I find it does pass in a few weeks for me.

15-09-14, 09:09
Usually within 30 secs of waking up, I do find when I'm up and about the physical anxiety goes but the thoughts come and go, like when in having fun the thoughts pop in almost as if to remind me that I'm still unwell.

Seamus Ireland
16-09-14, 12:21

It could be low blood sugars that exacerbate your feelings of anxiety in the morning. At home do you get breakfast? on holiday were you eating breakfast earlier? Or eating later at night than you normally would?