View Full Version : Been good - Sudden worry - Headaches

15-09-14, 10:22
Hi Guys,

Over the past 2-3 weeks I have been getting headaches everyday, each headache lasts for around 30 minutes to an hour (although this morning it has not stopped) and only hurts on one side.

It is like a sharp-ish pain that forces me to almost close my eye each time (the pain changes in severity).

The pain is always on my right side of my head, and i've also been getting sharp pains in my cheek bone and eyebrow bone.

I'm scared it's a Tumor.

I've been doing so well lately, now today I'm panicking and can't concentrate

Please someone help me :S

15-09-14, 10:35
There's a lot of possible reasons for what you've described.

My first thought is sinus problems. You have several sets of sinuses in your head, including around your eye sockets etc. When they get blocked or infected, they cause pressure and pain in your cheekbones, behind your eyes, above your eye brows etc.

I had 2 months of daily, constant headaches and eye problems last summer. Eventually, I saw a pharmacist who suggested I have an emergency eye health test at the opticians.
Outcome - no sign of meningitis or a brain tumour!

It was sinus problems, caused in part by neck and shoulder problems that stopped my sinuses from draining properly.
I had several sessions with an osteopath - no more headaches. She also recommended using a saline spray (they make them for young children, for blocked noses) to clear my sinuses, and steam inhalation with some olbas oil in.

A sinus infection will cause unbelievable pain - it feels like your head will explode and when you bend forward, it feels like a boulder is rolling in your skull. If it is an infection, and not just blocked sinuses, you will need antibiotics - but if your pain is coming and going, I'd say it's not an infection.