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View Full Version : Lost my Job due to this - Blood Test Results Back

Female healthanxiety
15-09-14, 12:42
Regarding my last post:


I knew this would happen - I have been at my job for 3 months and had a letter today from my boss to say that they will not be continuing my contract as permanent.

I rung my DR in tears saying that the last 6 weeks have been hell - no tablets are working - have to wait 6 weeks to see the ENT (Not that I think there will be anything wrong with those parts)...

Had my blood tests back today and all were fine aprt from low in Folic Acid - to which he has left me a prescription (gosh knows how I am going to drive there and collect it)....

Everyday I get up I pray that I will feel just that 1% better - but No - I told him mentally I try and do things, walk, drive, get shopping, but the dizziness is to intense - I can't stand for too long without feeling like I am going to faint to the left, right.


15-09-14, 13:36
I'm really sorry about your job.
It's great news that your bloods are all fine, though. I'm going to suggest that your dizziness, though very real, is caused purely by anxiety - which is why Nurofen, paracetamol etc hasn't made any difference.

When I was suffering from extreme anxiety, I felt so dizzy and lightheaded that I didn't think I could even get out of bed - I remember my GP phoning me to tell me my blood test results were all fine, and telling her that there MUST be something wring as I couldn't get out of my bed.

Guess what? As soon as I decided to get up and get on with normal things, the dizziness started to improve.

If you treat yourself as ill or fragile, you will carry on feeling that way.
The best advice I can give you is to decide to get up and out of your house. Drive to the chemist, get your prescription and ignore the dizziness. Don't fight it or run away from it, as this will only cause more adrenaline.
Face it and accept it as normal for you at this moment.

Good luck.x

Female healthanxiety
15-09-14, 14:32
Thank you for your reply Chickpea!

I do understand that anxiety can cause this, however, I do not mentally feel like anything is wrong with me (if that makes sense).

I have tried and tried to go out and do my normal things - but the feeling is so intense that I cannot focus, my eyes go heavier and can't stand for too long without sitting down.

Am glad you feel better and your dizziness has gone - how long did you havee it for?

18-09-14, 11:17
Omg this could be me ,I truly know how you feel but I think we just have to accept it is anxiety and move on ,but that isn't easy to do when the feeling hits look at my threads you will see I could have written your post xxhugs to you x

20-09-14, 02:22
I'm sorry to hear that!
I too am in a similar situation, just lost my job after a hard few weeks and only 3 months working with the company!

Honestly didn't think I would get any better, but I've been having counselling and with the help of my family and other half, I've managed to get to interviews, and fingers crossed sealed myself another job 4 weeks on :)

It honestly does get better :)

Female healthanxiety
20-09-14, 14:57
Hello Megs,

Thank you for your reply and am sorry to hear that you went through the same situation - and well done on your new job, that's amazing!

I just have had enough of feeling like this - I can't do anything.

Woken up today and feel so stressed and on edge, a bit sweaty, and my hearts all over the place today.