View Full Version : Self-Care Anxiety Tips?

15-09-14, 13:38
Hello everybody,

Hope that you're having a good day.

I'm currently embroiled in the house-sale from Hell with my (incredibly supportive) girlfriend, and we're both getting incredibly stressed, which is playing havoc with my anxiety.

Lots of building work needs to be done to the place which our original solicitor should have told us about, and our buyer (understandably) wants it all completed before the sale goes through. This has added about three months to the process, and in addition to this we're looking to take legal action against our original solicitors.

I was wondering, during this stressful period, if any of you out there have any good self-care tips?

I have cut down on my sugar and caffeine intake significantly, I don't drink or smoke, and I do yoga and play football once a week.

Is there anything else you can recommend?



15-09-14, 14:23
I find that a regular sleeping pattern can help loads.
I'm up early,and when I'm dead beat,I really look forward to that restorative sleep.
I just collapse really.
Keep your diet simple and nutritious, plenty of fresh fruit and veg,and cut out the processed stuff.
Make lists to help you,and prioritize to conserve your energy.
Avoid negative people ( or energy vampires as I call them),and try and keep your sense of humour.:)

15-09-14, 17:42
Definitely second the regular sleep pattern, I get up and go to bed around the same time every day even if I'm not working.
I also try to do something fun everyday so I have something nice to look forward to.
When I'm stressing and worried about something I try to take a short walk or something and just notice everything around me and take a break from worrying for a short while. I find it sort of breaks the thoughts from spiralling out of control. I also try to do this driving or other times I am by myself.
When I'm really stressed this does get harder to maintain but I notice that the periods of bad anxiety subside quicker than they used to.

16-09-14, 16:03
Thanks for the tips, really appreciate them!