View Full Version : Scariest day of my life (stroke fear)

15-09-14, 14:48
Ok, last week I was sitting watching the tv with my son and all of a sudden I had this numb sensation on the left side of my face, no where else, it threw me straight in the "fight or flight" mode and I tried to stay calm.

I automatically thought, stroke! And knowing from adverts it needs to be addressed ASAP, I called 999, first time ever have a called them for myself. I tried to stay calm but I was panicking now, I kept checking in the mirror that I could smile etc.
Anyway paramedics turned up did my sats, weren't panicking and took there time, which reassured me, BP high! ( has been since birth of my son)
Anyway they decide to whisk me in to hospital for a check over, I had ECG in ambulance, all ok...

Got to hospital, I panicked as they did it on blue lights, sooooo scared.
Had a team waiting for me at the a&e they wire me up to monitor ask me questions etc ... I'm freaking out, I get off the bed pull the BP monitor off as I feel so scared. I, sure ur all thinking the panicking is making it worse. They arise me they want me to stay in to be assessed so I'm put on stroke ward! I honestly believed I was going to die. I was petrified, my son was collected by my parents so that was a relief he was not witnessing my stress and panick.

I had a CT scan, that comes back clear and so does the blood work just slight high cholesterol.
I'm gripped by fear, but I talk myself down to a relaxed mode as that's what I have to do and that's what the nurses said must be done as my BP is so high. I assumed I'd be put on BP meds, but no, anyway I can't sleep all night, the numbness comes and goes on my face.

Doc says he doesn't believe it was a stoke it's related to high BP and I need a life style change as I am over weight (in process of bariatric surgery also)
They arrange for me to be discharged on the basis that I return for a echo cardinal scan? And wear a 24ecg monitor which is next month.

Iv been having panicky ever since being admitted and actually returned to a and e when I though I was having a heart attack as I had a pain. They gave me another ECG which was fine.

My question is why do I have to have the echocardial and 24ECG when all 3 ECGs have been fine.

Need someone to talk to please answer me

Thanks xx

15-09-14, 15:00
They just cover all bases..... doesn't mean that they think abything is wrong, they just liketo make sure they are thorough

15-09-14, 17:31
Just to cover to make sure your heart is healthy and strong as well. I've been through all those tests too. If you have slightly elevated cholesterol and your BP is up, those can be risk factors, so they want to make sure you are OK. I bet you are, I think you just need to get yourself healthy. It happened to me, my BP and cholesterol was high, I lost 80 pounds and now my numbers are perfect!

You will get there!

15-09-14, 21:41
I"m so sorry your had that experience but thankful you are ok!!!

15-09-14, 22:22
Ask yourself how much better you will feel after you have the echo done and alls well which I'm sure it will be otherwise other tests would have shown something, if they didn't do it you would always be asking could they have missed something.
This way you will know they have dotted the i s and crossed the t s .

15-09-14, 23:15
Thanks everyone x