View Full Version : Please help me stabbing pains in head and weird vision

Anxiety em
15-09-14, 21:14
Hi all you lovely people I'm new today to this site and I can see how much everyone on here helps each other wich is amazing so I thought I would post as I really need help..

Well basically I don't no if this is anxiety but my close family keep telling me it is and not to worry easy for them to say...

Anyway I turned 24 last month on the 22nd but soon after that it's like my life has gone down hill I'm such a mess here's my symptoms

I'm crying my eyes out everyday cause I'm worrying about these

I keep getting sharp shooting pains on top of my head in my temples and mainly left side middle of head

Other symptoms I have :

• Floaters in eyes
• Visual Snow
• Tinnitus (dull ringing in my ears)
• Strange smells (not burning – sometimes for half hour I can smell a smell which is like hot water or wood, it’s hard to describe). This seems to be happening less and less however.
• I get a lot of after image when looking at things
• I zone out a lot when thinking and get mezomorized (blurry/double vision that I can control/stop with just blinking or snapping out of it).

I am 99% convinced I have a Brain Tumour and that it’s going to be bad news, and feeling really suicidal about it, does anyone ever have these symptoms, particularly the throbbing =/ ?

Please help me I've been to the eye doctor he said everything was fine but wants me to go do a visual field test on 29th September also had my bloods done but everything was fine he said it could be ocular migraines giving me the floaters

My main concern is my eyes really tho they are making me wake up having panick attacks every day cuz there still there when I wake up it's nearly been two weeks could it be migrains I'm not getting headaches tho just these shooting pains

Is this anxiety does anyone else have these symptoms

15-09-14, 22:48
I would imagine that if your optition says he can't see anything then I would go with him as he's the expert
Yes it could very well be a migrain and yes they can go on for ages and anxiety will make them worse,
Try not to worry and I'm sure that your head will improve.
Try warm towels round your neck and listen to soothing music, hope this helps