View Full Version : Ultrasound results back

16-09-14, 05:11
I got the results back this morning in regards to the pelvic and abdominal ultrasound I had done last week. I've been having lower left abdominal/pelvic pain and bloating issues. I went to the doctor's and she took a look at me and I had bloods taken including the CA125 test. All came back clear and the ultrasounds were clear too.

I'm very happy but still feel as though there's things going on that they have missed. I feared Ovarian cancer but now it's moved to bowel cancer. Why do i put myself through this?

I'm still getting bloated and having the lower left pain but it could be IBS (haven't been diagnosed with this)

How do you all move on with your lives after getting the all clear..

16-09-14, 07:11
I just wanted to say that I'm happy your results came back clear! I wish I could answer why we come up with other diseases after we've got the all clear, but I do it often and it's terrible...

16-09-14, 08:52
Great news on the all clear!

16-09-14, 11:21
Great news that all the results where clear. Yes it is probably ibs.

16-09-14, 13:34
I got the results back this morning in regards to the pelvic and abdominal ultrasound I had done last week. I've been having lower left abdominal/pelvic pain and bloating issues. I went to the doctor's and she took a look at me and I had bloods taken including the CA125 test. All came back clear and the ultrasounds were clear too.

I'm very happy but still feel as though there's things going on that they have missed. I feared Ovarian cancer but now it's moved to bowel cancer. Why do i put myself through this?

I'm still getting bloated and having the lower left pain but it could be IBS (haven't been diagnosed with this)

How do you all move on with your lives after getting the all clear..

Great news on the "all clear"! They certainly would have seen something with the ultrasound as the bowels are in the same area. Your stomach/bowel issues are most certainly anxiety related (IBS/gastritis).

It's a classic HA symptom to doubt doctors and tests and to move on to another ailment. The way to move on is to seek help with your anxiety if you've not done so already. Therapy, CBT, meds or a combination thereof can help to put this behind you.

Positive thoughts