View Full Version : I hate having insomnia

16-09-14, 09:15
It's like this crazy vicious circle. I can't sleep so I am lay awake thinking about the thyroid cancer I might have, but probably don't because I really only have two symptoms, which really could be due to any number of things (hey at least the CBT is helping me a little in that I can recognize this). The anxiety from this makes it even harder to fall asleep. I can't take my anxiety meds because it turns out they give me migraines. I'm going to be knackered in the morning, which will exacerbate my pains, increasing anxiety, and thus the insomnia. There has to be a better way to live.

Not really looking for advice or even venting, just sharing my thoughts on this with others who probably understand where I'm coming from.

16-09-14, 17:46
I feel for you, been through insomnia myself. I even gave up going to bed, I now just stay on my couch in front of the tv. But 6 months ago I gave up coffee and ciggies and my sleep definitely improved. I wish you all the best.

16-09-14, 23:38
I feel your pain! Went through a week of awful insomnia... it's so infuriating. Eventually your body will make you sleep. Hope it gets better soon.