View Full Version : Lower back/abdomen ache

16-09-14, 09:42
This is my first post so please be gentle!

In summary I am a self-diagnosed sufferer of health anxiety. My main worry is always that I have cancer. I feel like I am always visiting the GP and then when I get there I can't properly describe my symptoms and they can never pin point a cause of my problem.

I get a recurring achy pain to the right of my belly button- GP checked the area but when they pressed around I couldn't feel it. Had a scan which didn't show anything so they said it was probably muscular as only prominent when I stood up.

I also had a similar recurring ache on my upper right side, up under my ribs but mostly to the front of my armpit. No reaction to GP's tests. Ended up with breast checks and scans, and a chest x-ray. All fine. And once I had the chest x-ray results the feelings were much less to the point they'd disappeared.

So now I have another problem, or feel I do, but don't want to go to the GP again only to come out feeling like a fool and that I've created the problem in my head, or that it's something obvious and I didn't need to go.

Approximately two weeks ago I had an aching feeling all around my lower back and lower tummy region. It wasn't a pain, just awkward to get comfortable. I had a bout of diarrhoea and took some tablets. I was also due my monthly so any I attributed aches like that with being due on.

I am still getting these aches now, period like is the only way I can describe them. Not dreadful pain, just a mostly mild ache. I've probably had one incident of constipation. And now I'm worried I have a hemorrhoid too. I don't make a habit of looking at that area so can't tell if it looks different although I noticed a small red patch just to one side. If I press around my perineum it feels sore, but as if the surface was sore, and it's not.

So could this be something simple that I'm blowing out of proportion? Could it just be a tummy infection that's hanging around? I just feel like if I go to the docs again I'm a) going to have my personal area on show yet again (I've had to do this so many times I'm fed up with it) and b) I'm going to come out feeling like an idiot...

16-09-14, 13:06
I've had low back pain and abdomen pain for months mostly on my right side

16-09-14, 13:54
Could it be a water infection??

I had the exact same symptoms a few months ago and was convinced it was bowel cancer when it was a water infection.
Might be worth popping back and you'll just have to do a urine sample and get some antibiotics.

Good luck xx

16-09-14, 16:51
You've said it yourself - you are suffering HA.
No x rays or blood tests will prove it, no antibiotics will cure it - you need to believe it and work on your anxiety.

Female bodies are in a constant state of change, depending on where they are in their cycle. Some months, you will get bad PMT and cramps, others none. Some months, ovulation will be painful...you get the picture.
The more you scan your body, looking for changes, niggles, aches etc, the more you're going to find...and the more you're going to look for an explanation.

We are not machines! We are not designed to stay exactly the same, day in, day out.
If you accept this, you will stop worrying yourself sick over every twinge.xx