View Full Version : Help me! My story, what to do?..

16-09-14, 09:52

I'm 17 years old and I'm 1,80m tall. My weight at the moment is 53 kilos. Half a year ago I was 44 kilos, I'm underweight but I managed to gain some weight already, which is good.

My girlfriend lives in the UK and I live in Holland, so I'm in a long distance relationship. The reason I'm saying this is because since a short time I'm experiencing 'panic attacks', or 'anxiety attacks'. For example I went to America two months ago, which meant that I couldn't talk or Skype with my girlfriend as much, seeing as I would be in America and she would be in the UK, I would be in a different timezone and all that. At the airport, I got some sort of attack where I felt like I could faint any moment, I felt so weak, I got so warm and I got this weird feeling in my stomach. I couldn't swallow anymore and I got the feeling like a hand was pressing on my stomach. Another example. My girlfriend was over at my house for a couple weeks and the day before she left, I got the same thing again as I got at the airport.

This was all about a month ago. Now a week ago on Monday, I got some sort of electrical shock. I believe people call them 'surges'. It wasn't an actual electrical shock, but it felt like one. Saturday, so a few days ago, I got the same, but this time it was worse. I was walking with my sister and all of a sudden I got a shock again. After that I felt horrible, I couldn't eat for a couple hours, I didn't know what was happening to my body and I felt so dizzy. The day after, so on Sunday, my girlfriend was going to France for a week, maybe this is related to it?

Yesterday (Monday) I was in class and we made a practice exam. My girlfriend was in France, which meant we couldn't text as much and I missed her. During the practice exam we made, I started to feel very strange, something I had NEVER experienced before. I got really warm, my heart started beating like crazy, I got a horrible feeling in my stomach, I felt like I lost my balance and I could fall down any moment, while I was just sitting in a chair. I felt horrible, I couldn't concentrate anymore, I couldn't control what was happening to my body. I went home and I laid in bed for the rest of the day. This morning I went to school again, I would have quite a long day in school, and while I was in history I got the same thing again as I had yesterday. I managed to get home somehow and now I'm laying down on bed writing this. My mum just checked my blood pressure, it's very low.

I'm going to the doctor this afternoon. Could anyone help me though? I don't know what to do... Or could anyone tell me how to deal with these situations?.. And are the things I'm experiencing panic attacks, or anxiety attack? And what about the electrical shock, are they surges? Any advice is greatly appreciated...


Sorry for my English, I'm Dutch and I'm still learning.

16-09-14, 12:51
Don't apologiise for your English it is very good :) it does sound very much like anxiety related to you very much missing your girlfriend. ' love sickness' we called it when I was your age. It's good you are seeing a doctor to make sure you are ok. Please let us know how you get on. X

16-09-14, 14:44
Hi Your English is very good :) It sounds very much like anxiety to me and you can read more about it here http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/anxiety The best thing to do in my opinion is just to accept the anxiety and know that it can not hurt you and the feelings will pass.

16-09-14, 14:54
Fellow dutchie here! Well half.. It sounds like you are suffering from anxiety as I also have experienced those symptoms. Let us know what the doctor comes back with and then you can either find out if it's caused by something physical or anxiety, and take steps to eliminate these feelings.

16-09-14, 17:40
Hi also half Dutch on my mothers side but raised in the uk and never learn to write Dutch so your better than me :blush:. Hope the doctors go's ok.

Like Kimberley said let us know how you get on.

16-09-14, 20:20
Ray52 - me too! My mum is helping me learn more dutch now, never too late to learn :D

17-09-14, 21:27
I went to the doctor yesterday, the doctor told me it's probably nothing physical, and because of that it'd be good for me to talk to a psychologist, so I'll go to one probably this or next week.

And that's awesome, great to see that there are more Dutch people here! :)

17-09-14, 21:32
I will merge your posts together for you

17-09-14, 21:36
That's good news then! Keep us updated on your progress :)

19-09-14, 09:07

I have an appointment with a psychologist for Monday.

I was just having breakfast, I was about to go to school, and while having breakfast I got another panic attack. I guess the reason I got one is because I was afraid of getting one in class..

I wonder if anyone else ever got one because of worrying about getting one?

21-09-14, 12:27

I have an appointment with a psychologist for Monday.

I was just having breakfast, I was about to go to school, and while having breakfast I got another panic attack. I guess the reason I got one is because I was afraid of getting one in class..

I wonder if anyone else ever got one because of worrying about getting one?

Anyone else ever got this?

21-09-14, 15:54
Hello, R.

I think what happens, for me anyway, is that I'm really tense after a panic attack and over sensitised. So I wonder if, like today, I make myself more vulnerable to panic and hence go through more...just a thought.

Wishing you a fruitful appointment with the psychologist tomorrow

21-09-14, 15:56
I think a lot people experience repeated panic attacks because they fear them, causing them to feel tense and then as soon as you feel the familiar panic your body automatically thinks it's in danger and goes into panic mode.
I've had this. I get panic attacks mainly when driving and I can be perfectly fine almost the whole journey but can panic a minute from home if I've had a panic attack in the same location before. It's like you mind is looking out for danger all the time even if there isn't any.

22-09-14, 18:26
I went to school today, I only had 3 periods, and it went very well! :) I didn't panic, not for a single moment! I'm starting to feel a bit more confident again, knowing that it doesn't always happen!

I'm really happy with how it went in school today! And today after school I saw a psychologist, she concluded things that I'm very serious for a boy my age (I'm 17 and I'm doing the highest level of secondary education), that I'm very sensitive and very emotional, that I find it hard to say goodbye (to my gf) and that I'm thinking too much. I find this all very true, especially the last thing. I think a lot, I'm thinking pretty much all day, she said I should try to do more things where I don't have to think, for example practicing a sport. I play guitar for 10 years and I play in a band with some of my friends, so that would be a good distraction too! And I have a lot of friends so I'll do more fun things with them! I should try to relax more and just take more time for myself, just some time to relax.

I'm having another appointment next week, hopefully I won't get any panic attacks until then! Friday I'm going to Italy for my cousin's wedding, I've had a panic attack at the airport before but I'll try not to think about it too much, hopefully that will be fine! I'm starting to feel a bit more confident about going to class since it went well today! I'll write again later this week about how it's going.

22-09-14, 18:59
Glad things went well for you today and you've found some solutions to work on :)