View Full Version : Does Anxiety make you snappy to your family?

27-12-06, 20:16
I had a bad, bad panic attack on Boxing Day and ended up snapping big time at my mum (she is elderly and has her own health problems)

I now despite apologising feel awful and can not shake off my guilt for loosing it, I know she was only trying to help me and only said to "snap out of it" but I was so sure I was dying that was nasty to her

Does anxiety make anyone else like this? and do you then worry that something bad will happen to the person you snapped at?

Any replies would be apprecaited as I cant stop dwelling on this!

Wendy x

27-12-06, 20:56
I get like that hun so don't worry. Its perfectly natural to get snappy when ur feeling anxious so dont worry about it and dont feel bad :)



27-12-06, 21:07
yeah me too, your stressed and what do almost all people do when there stressed, snap! I know that doesnt make it right, but it does help xx

27-12-06, 21:59
hi wendy

i get snappy all the time when i am panicy and i to feel horrid when i have calmed down and start thinking how bad i am ect but hey if people uderstand what you are going through then they will understand i am sure.
i think when we are anxious nothing anyone says helps it just has to rn its corse.

jodie xxx:D

27-12-06, 22:16
Hi, yeh Im certainly a Miss Snappy. You have apolgised, so don't beat yourself up. I know your mums elderly, but shes still your mum and I'm sure she will understand?

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Keep focused, keep positive. Emma x

27-12-06, 23:49
Me to,I get very snappy.:(

Ellen XX

28-12-06, 01:19
Hiya, I have done this too, only yesterday! I don't see my mum and dad that often as they live miles away! I too feel terrible about it, I have apologised and they seem to understand but I know how you feel when you say you feel guilty! I am sure though that it isn't as bad as you feel. Family do understand and when we are anxious, it really cannot be helped at times! I know how you feel and am sure things will work out. TC x x x


28-12-06, 09:55
Thanks for all of your replies, x

28-12-06, 10:17
When I am feeling anxious I get irritable and snap at my kids and them I feel terrible about it as its not their fault.

28-12-06, 13:26
I get snappy when I am anxious too.

LOL! You should have heard what I said to my boyfriend when he tried 'advising' me on how to handle my panic attack right before my Dentist appointment!!! :D

shoegal xxx

28-12-06, 14:43
i get snappy
but what i've learned in therapy is that when i dwell on it i am mental filtering and probably the rest of the day was fine but i just think of the one bad thing that happened i'm trying not to cos it makes my anxiety worse,
dont dwell on it put it aside and get on with the next day
you apologised thats all you can do
all you're doing now is making yourself more anxious.


the dreams of the future are better than the history of the past

28-12-06, 15:07
hi yes me too.i end up with no patience for anybody,your not on your own.tc tracy

28-12-06, 15:39
Thanks Guys, Good to know not just me!

28-12-06, 17:02
I used to be very snappy. I could never appreciate that no-one understood how I felt, now I realise that no-one will be able to understand exactly how it feels (unless they've experienced it). So now I just accept their support, and I find I'm less snappy!

"At the end of a storm, there's a golden sky..."

28-12-06, 17:43
Hi Wendy, very snappy and very grumpy ..... so I'm told[8)] ... but hey I have my good points !:D


28-12-06, 18:14
I get really snappy too, I feel guilty afterwards and apologise but my family know its because of the panic and are very understanding.

Sandra x

29-12-06, 02:32
It's always my poor hub that gets it!! [Oops!]

He who has been my anchor throughout the storms of my anxiety, gets shipwrecked on the rocks of my frustration and yet throws me a lifebelt when I'm sinking in the sea of confusion.

Yeah, you could say I get snappy at times [:O]

Lotsa luv

GG [:P]


'There are no such things as strangers; just friends we haven't made yet!'

29-12-06, 02:48
Sure does BIG TIME

Don't believe everything you think.

08-01-07, 04:12
to all that get snappy I would suggest this ...

Look into Omega 3

I'll be putting up some further data soon but in the meantime Omega 3 crosses the blood brain barrier and acts as a damper for our emotions. Having been ADHD'ish as a child and having had depression as an adult I suffered greatly, even after hypnotherapy.

Then I was advised to check this out.

It works, it's natural, easily available and NO I'm not on commission.

tescos are selling theirs as buy one get one free.

the reccommended does is 1 x 1000mg per day but that was way too low for me.

I take 3 x 3 times a day and it is AMAZING.

Without it I slowly get rattier and angrier and more prone to arguing.

My understanding ( and I'm going to put more on my website soon) is that Omega 3 acts like the oil in a shock absorber (sorry: blokes analogy) so it slows up our reactions.

This is 1000000000% better than any SSRI since that BLOCKS the reaction and everything else as well.

Honestly, try them. I found that within 6-8 hours of starting I felt much more comfortable and the best bit is you get instant calibration from your nearest and dearest.

If you ever feel, out of control, want to shout for no reason, feel angry, unable to cope, twitchy, tired or listless (shall I go on) then this REALLY IS a natural remedy that is cheap and affordable.

My understanding behind the lack of support for it is simply that because it 'exists' it can't be patented and sold at a whacking profit.

AFAIK the FDA regs mean You can't even buy it in the US and think how much money they make on selling unnecessary drugs to their patients.

PLEASE all, try it - non addictive - no bad taste (take round food time to stop possible sick feelings)

You have nothing to loose and depending upon the results you might not need any hypnotherapy at all. See, doing myself out of work.


Tell me about it ...



08-01-07, 08:35
From reading your posts, I WAS wondering if you were on commission lol.

08-01-07, 10:33
none - I bought mine from tescos, currently one buy one get one free.

I don't get a penny for it, this is information for people to use or not as they feel fit


Ma Larkin
08-01-07, 15:07
Hi Wendy, when I first started having panic attacks I was always on my own. When I had a panic attack in front of my kids and another one in front of my mum, they were scared to death and thought I was having a heart attack. After a few visits to the A&E department and my GP, the kids and my mum got to realise that it wasn't a "killer" it was panic. As soon as they found out that I wasn't going to die, but I was just going to be "different" for a couple of hours, then all the sympathy disappeared and their attitude changed. Even though I know I'm only having a panic attack, I still can't help feeling that I'm having a heart attack and I cannot control my breathing, no matter how I try I always hyperventilate to the worst extreme. So, the answer is YES, you do become snappy, because people's attitudes change once they get accustomed to the panic attacks. It's almost like an inconvenience to them because they always happen when you don't want them to, either taking the kids out or shopping with mum. I try my best to keep the attacks under control but the visible shaking scares the hell out of the kids and then my mum starts shouting at me and then I snap at her big time and everyone gets upset. If they would just sit there and not pass comments and just let me get on with it until it passes, then there wouldn't be a problem.

Les, xx

08-01-07, 15:26
I had it pointed out at the weekend by my son who said quite bluntly everyone suffers when I am "down".

OI do think he was right but I still maintain I had a point!!:)

I may look into the Omega stuff.


What's so funny about peace, love and understanding?

08-01-07, 18:04
Will def give the omega 3 a go. I started on Vit b complex and even tho still bad with anxiety have felt a little better since taking them