View Full Version : The Amazing Power of the Mind - Brilliant You Tube Video

Female healthanxiety
16-09-14, 13:54

16-09-14, 14:15
Hi FHA, hope you are feeling better today. I will have a look at that link later.

16-09-14, 14:16
I'm so glad I watched this. Thank you for sharing! x

Female healthanxiety
16-09-14, 14:27
Amazing when you hear it out loud isn't it?!

Feeling a 'tad' better today - not going to say it out too loud just in case the anxiety monster hears!:huh:

Yes - please save it on your phone/pc, as it is helpful! xx

17-09-14, 05:15
Thank you for posting this. I need to watch this every morning when I wake up.