View Full Version : BP issues REALLY NEED REPLY

16-09-14, 16:15
Hi, I posted recently about blood pressure issues. My BP will actually range from normal to high, meaning from about 115-125 over 74-80 to 145 over about 95-97. Now I have SEVERE anxiety & this fluctuation is kind of freaking Me out . My dr said if I had a TRUE BP issue , it wouldn't come back into normal range at all, meaning it would stay high. When BP is higher its not caffeine but sometimes when it is high I am EXTREMELY NERVOUS. & ANXIOUS & I can't calm down because once I see the high reading , I just get more. & more upset. I can seldom get true BP reading because of anxiety. Can someone PLEASE respond or shed some light on this? I feel HORRIBLY ANXIOUS over this. I need response as soon as possible as this is greatly upsetting. & panicking me. I received NO response when I posted this recently. Thank You!

16-09-14, 16:22
I replied the other day:


16-09-14, 16:22
If your doctor is not concerned then you shouldn't be either. Anxiety will increase your blood pressure. Also there is no need to keep checking your blood pressure, this will just make you worry more.

Even if you did have high blood pressure, it doesn't mean anything bad will happen to you. Many people live perfectly normal lives with high BP. :)

16-09-14, 16:30
As your doctor put you on medication ?

17-09-14, 02:56
Do you have a blood pressure monitor at home?
First things first : if you do throw it out.

I took my blood pressure at home, it was all over the place, the more I took it the higher it went.

Secondly if you don't - you could have white coat syndrome, being dehydrated can make your BP low, not eating, coffee, being excited, running, everything will change your blood pressure.

Mine ranges from 89/45 - was my lowest - DR said drink more.
145/100 was my highest, that was different i was pregnant but I've had it high and low.

No DR has ever been worried.
Why - because they know... and BP changes all the time - so let it go ..... it's going to change.
If you get normal readings every now and then consider yourself normal.

17-09-14, 09:27
Totally agree you need to chuck it out

18-09-14, 05:42
My BP has been up and down for the past few years, more recently the past 16 months since my husband was killed in a road accident.

At its highest it was ???/106 with a resting heart rate of 124! Apparently it is the lower number you need to be worried about. So at 106 it was high! I was put on beta blockers and told to lose weight (not overly over weight but have a bit to lose). The beta blockers have been fantastic and now my BP is more or less normal all the time.

I had a home monitor and I was obsessing over it. I would check my BP literally 20 times a day and if it wasnt the reading I wanted, I kept taking it until I got what was a satisfactory reading, in my eyes. At this time the bottom number around 90 was acceptable to me!

I then developped a really really sore upper left arm, the result of teh BP cuff squeezing constantly on my arm. It was awful. So I stopped. I stopped obsessing about it. I stopped worrying about it. I dont know how. I got my friend to take the monitor where I had no access to it and gradually my obsession left me. I now take it maybe once a month, if I even remember, If I dont remember it doesnt worry me.

Get rid of that monitor! :)