View Full Version : 21 year old make worried about MS

16-09-14, 19:54
I am freaking out about MS and have had an ongoing fear for about 2 years now and was wondering if someone could help me feel better.

My symptoms:

My arms get very shaky after the gym which freaks me out

Feeling light headed

Lower back pain and neck pain

I also suffer from visual snow and bad health anxiety

I have 2 trapped nevers in my elbows

I feel very tired all the time and also have muscle twitches which i can see

hands get tired feeling easily

Someone please help me out and let me know what my chances are of having at and if you think i do. I asked my doctor about it and she said my chances are extremely slim. Thank you for your replies.

17-09-14, 15:18
Being that you are a male, your chances are very, very slim.

Most of your symptoms are caused by anxiety. Muscle twitches are normal, but when you fixate on them they become more prevalent as you are hyper-aware. Trust me, I've been there :) Once I started to accept that nothing was really wrong and started to ignore them, they went away.

Pain is another symptom of anxiety, but it can also be due to your working out. Shaky arms after working out is NORMAL if you are pushing yourself to any degree. Especially if you aren't eating or drinking right with your exercise.

Lightheadedness and tiredness are both anxiety symptoms.

As for visual snow - I used to get that as well, and it too was caused by my fixating on it.