View Full Version : feeling totally useless

28-12-06, 00:25
Don't feel like the same person that i used to be before, like i am now somebody else with a different personality and different feelings. Feel 'out of it' most of the time. A neighbour has had a few friends around for a drink and some food and we have all been down there, i didn't want to go. This is not me, used to be the life and soul of any party and could drink like a fish and be fine, have a good laugh and a good time, not anymore. I had three cups of tea!~!~!~! How sad is that, just too scared to have anything as my pulse goes up and i have more ectopics, how can i stop being like this and become the same person that i used to be again? My hubby was having a good time and i felt like just coming home and saying to him that he should get rid of me now, i'm no good anymore, not the right person for him, lost my sense of fun and humour. I don't want to be like this anymore, having all these fears and feelings that i cannot explain but they are really scary. Feel very sad and just want to cry and tell him to find someone else now, who can have a laugh with him. I guess i'm feeling sorry for myself again and am really fed up with it, nothing that i do seems to make any difference to the way that i feel or the symptoms that i get. I want my life back please. Angie.x

It takes a minute to get anxiety, but a lifetime to get rid of it!!!

28-12-06, 03:52
Big hugs for you Angie xxx hope you feel better soon. x

Take Care


28-12-06, 05:42
Aw Angie, I am so sorry that you feel this way. It sounds like you are pretty depressed. I felt that same way when I was down for awhile. I used to be so much fun and now I just don't laugh very much at all. I hope that my sense of humor returns, that used to be my best asset. Hope that you feel better soon.:)


Why stay in prison when the door is wide open?

28-12-06, 08:30
I'm sorry you are feeling bad, I know exactly what you mean. I felt the same way about a year ago. I forced myself to go to parties, but I just sat there terrified until I could go home.
Last winter my husband wanted to have a snowball fight with me and I told him harshly to stop it. I didn't want to play in the snow, as I knew that would make my pulse go up.
So he told me that I was no fun anymore and that I never wanted to do anything. So I just thought "What the heck" and went into this huge snowball fight with him and the kids. And guess what? I survived.

I just wanted to let you know that I've been there, but I am no longer in that place.
You just have to accept how you're feeling at the moment and let time passe, you WILL get better, I am absolutely sure of it.

"You can't yell loud enough to make me shut up."

28-12-06, 13:20
Thankyou so much for your kind words Hexia, that does make me feel better as i know that you have been there and have come out the other side. I just hope that it happens for me soon, i am very grateful for your kind replies, thankyou. ~Angie.x

It takes a minute to get anxiety, but a lifetime to get rid of it!!!

29-12-06, 14:31
Hi ang,

just wanted to say im feeling pretty much the same at the minute so cant offer any words of advice at the mo.Seems like me and you are in the same boat love....

Anyway take care,Candie xx

29-12-06, 17:03
Feeling the same here. I keep thinking that perhaps there IS something I could be doind better to help my recovery. What really scares me is to hear stories when people live their whole life with anxiety...I have only had 2 years of it, but I can see how it is changing me, it is making me be introverted, anti-social...makes me feel like Im a freak everywhere I have to attend....like Im boring, and uninterested. Sorry I was not helping, Im off-loading myself. sigh....xxxx
As I posted before its the DP/DR that gets to me at the mo...can't concentrate.

29-12-06, 17:30
Aww Angie,
Really don't know what to say to u hun apart from keep your chin up and just keep going ,although i know how you feel. Hope these hugs will help and tc xx (((BIG HUGS )))

29-12-06, 19:34
Thankyou all for your kind words, have had an absolutly terrible day from the moment i got up i didn't know who i was or where i was, didn't think i would make it to work at all. I got there and worked, how i did it i do not know, so upset at the moment because i do not know what else to do. This is so hard. So frightening. I can't even tell you how i feel because i do not have the words to describe how it feels to me. I just hope there is someone out there who knows what it feels like so they can understand what i am going through. My BP is fine and my heart rate has been normal ALL DAY, but inside me feels like it's all shaking about, i am shaking physically too, feeling of panic, sheer terror, fear, sorrow, despair and hopelessness and wanting to run and ram my head in a wall to try and make the horrible feelings go away, just for a while. This has been with me all day long and i can't get rid of it, i've tried everything. It's never stayed with me this long without any relief at all before. Daren't get up out of the chair but have to, didn't want to come home from work because it felt wrong somehow, i got home though. Can't explain it any better than that i'm afraid, just horrendous. Can anyone help me with this, explain it any better or something. Just so bad!!!!!Angie.x

It takes a minute to get anxiety, but a lifetime to get rid of it!!!

29-12-06, 20:21
Hi Angie.
First of all a big 'Well Done' to you for getting yourself to work and home again. That is a real achievement when feeling like you are. I couldn't have done it when I used to feel like that, and I was like it for three weeks with absolutley no let up. Try and be proud of yourself for doing this today.

I don't know what else to say except that you are not alone in this. Loads of us have felt, and some are, feeling the same as you. I hope you can take some comfort and support in knowing this.

Lots of love



'There are no such things as strangers; just friends we haven't made yet!'

29-12-06, 21:13
Hi Angie

Just wondering, have you taken any measures to relieve the anxiety e.g. breathing techniques? I found putting some lavender oil under my pillow at night really helpful, even some on a hankie for during the day. When breathing count how many seconds it takes to take one breath then when exhaling ass an extra second to it e.e 2 second inhale, 3 seconds exhale. Not sure if that will help?


29-12-06, 21:16
Thankyou, i will try the lavender oil, will any do or is it a certain type? Thanyou GG, it's good to know someone has been through and come out the other end because at the moment i feel no hope and see no way out. Thanks again for giving me some hope. Angie.x It is just so hard to explain to people what you are going through isn't it?x

It takes a minute to get anxiety, but a lifetime to get rid of it!!!

29-12-06, 21:22
erm, just a mid range one, always helps settle me. do you feel tnse all the time? i know it may sound rubbish and I thought it was rubbish when i suffered panic attacks 4/5years ago, but exercise. Simple, can be boring but oh really worth it. few lengths of the pool (yeah i know can be boring) you can beat all that tension out and man, you will feel way better.
You can get through this, i did.

29-12-06, 21:31

It takes a minute to get anxiety, but a lifetime to get rid of it!!!