View Full Version : Another visit to the Dr!

16-09-14, 22:41
I went to the Dr about a pain in my right side lower rib sort of area that I have had for around 4 months.
He said it is probably chronic muscle pain...is there such a thing? Don't pulled muscles heal on their own within a short space of time?
He prescribed me around 3 months worth of ibuprofen. I haven't taken any yet as I'm worried the effect of taking 3 tablets 400mg on a daily basis for 3 months will have on my body.
It also doesn't feel muscular. Feels like the pain Is in my rib.

16-09-14, 23:36
I have had muscle pain for four years after a car accident. Some days aren't as bad as others, but it's never fully gone. I have learned to manage it as best as I can, honestly, through stretching, massage, chiropractor, etc. I also get pain in my ribs... there's muscle in there.

17-09-14, 04:17
I've had right side rib pain for years. Anxiety makes you clench and this is how it can feel.

Honestly, my abs are rock hard from years of it! Just need to lose the flab over the tab of it...:roflmao:

My therapist said her supervisor who had suffered used to constantly jaw clench and his jaw muscles are the same thesedays.