View Full Version : OCD online TEST? Please read...

17-09-14, 02:38
HI there,
I have HA, I"m wondering if HA isn't a form of OCD.

I"m interested to see what people diagnosed with OCD get in this test.

Of course I don't want to exacerbate any OCD symptoms, I"m just curious to see if the points match those of someone that suffer HA.

My score was 19.

Thanks you!

17-09-14, 04:43
I don't believe HA is a form of OCD personally because OCD is about counteracting anxiety as opposed to feeling a compulsion leading to something worse e.g. Googling.

I don't think its completely clear cut because I perform rituals without anxiety and rituals can often make you more anxious as you become frustrated with performing them.

There is no reason that you couldn't have both though. I developed my various OCD's after about 4-5 years of just GAD.

Obsessive behaviour is also a marker of personality disorders so it is equally possible that you have HA and obsess. I used to obsess about my sleep before the OCD came.

Otherwise, wouldn't everybody with HA also have OCD? The same can be said for GAD with agoraphobia and social anxiety, but they are still classed as a co morbidity as opposed to one condition.

Is there anything specific that would make you think you have OCD?

17-09-14, 08:02
Hey thanks for answering.
My limited knowledge leads me to believe I may have OCD as I have compulsive obsessive thoughts.
I can't stop thinking or going over situations in my head even though it drives me nuts.
I need to check I've locked the house about 3 times before I believe I am not missing something, and I obsess about HA.

I believe that perhaps whilst there is 'educational' differences that they are closely linked and maybe understanding both, (for me anyway) might help me.

That's all really - oh and I did an online test .. ha ;)

18-09-14, 03:31
I agree, there are some similiarities between the two and the same can be said for GAD which might explain why they are separate otherwise we would all end up with one anxiety disorder.

It does sound like you have issues with obsessions and maybe compulsions. The test was useful but there is a lot more out there that might help you work it out.

I used OCD UK's 'types' to understand the fact I had Magical Thinking which I didn't know existed before joining this website and talking to others. Then there are lesser known forms of OCD such as sensorimotor OCD which aren't even on OCD UK's list!