View Full Version : Chronic sinusitis

17-09-14, 10:36
Just wondering if anyone suffers with this?
I'm waiting on a MRI to rule out a tumour, sinus problems, neck problems.

Although I've 100% thought it's a brain tumour the past 3 days have been hell with eye pressure lightheadedness and brain fog. My mum says she reckons it's my sinuses cause of the eye pressure so I'm just wondering is this a common symptom? And if it is what can I do to relieve it I just want to sleep and I'm squinting at everything.

17-09-14, 11:04
I had horrendous sinus problems last summer.
They caused me to have headaches almost daily for over 2 months, terrible visual disturbances, to the point that I was sent to the optician for an emergency eye health check up - the fear being it was a brain problem with my optical nerve.

I felt sick, exhausted, couldn't think straight, and was convinced it was a brain tumour.

When I got the all clear from the optician, I saw my GP who said it was absolutely nothing to worry about and probably viral. In the end, I saw an naturopath, who diagnosed neck and shoulder issues which were stopping my sinuses from dark ing properly - causing the horrendous problems in my head, eyes and face.
4 sessions with her and I haven't had any repeat problems :-)

---------- Post added at 11:04 ---------- Previous post was at 11:01 ----------

Get a saline nasal spray from the chemist - the sort you use for babies with a cold. Also, steam inhalation with Vicks or Olbas, or menthol crystals in the water).

Only sleep with one pillow, and consider changing to a memory foam one to help with neck problems.

Paracetamol or ibuprofen every 4 hours, loads of fluids and rest.

Female healthanxiety
17-09-14, 11:34

Sorry your feeling like this.

Why don't you go for an eye test?

I have had the same symptoms you describe as well as extreme dizziness, it's weird my bloods came back fine and also have an apt at the ENT next month.

Am sure your DR has booked you the scan just for reassurance


17-09-14, 12:35
Thanks chickpea I will take on the advice! That sounds exactly like how I've been for the past 8weeks hence thinking brain tumour!

Female health anxiety I've just had an eye test last week as my doctor wanted my eye pressure checking and a good look behind my eyes. All was a ok. Just a minor change in my glasses prescription.

I have have sinus infections and they are horrendous but they normally do not last this long. I had a horrendous case of it last year and the doc even said it was the worst case he'd seen i was prescribed antibiotics and steroid spray x

17-09-14, 12:53
I've had sinus infections, which are hell but at least clear up with antibiotics.
My trouble last year was blocked sinuses but without infection - which is why my GP didn't help.
I was convinced it was a brain tumour - absolutely certain.
My osteopath (not naturopath! Damn Autocorrect!) explained what was causing it and completely reassured me.

17-09-14, 16:24
I hope you feel better!

I just had a sinus infection about a month ago and it took me about 3 weeks to get past. I had head/nose/face pressure, brain fog, fatigue and felt off balance. It wasn't fun!

17-09-14, 17:21
I've had sinus infections, which are hell but at least clear up with antibiotics.
My trouble last year was blocked sinuses but without infection - which is why my GP didn't help.
I was convinced it was a brain tumour - absolutely certain.
My osteopath (not naturopath! Damn Autocorrect!) explained what was causing it and completely reassured me.

That may be my problem. I'm glad you've posted as it reassures me the severe symptoms I'm having can be something minor like this rather than a tumour. I'm amazed at how blocked sinuses can cause such scary symptoms! And for so long!