View Full Version : Moods

17-09-14, 10:49
I'm really struggling with my moods at the moment. I know I have some mild HA issues going on and I'm doing my best to deal with them. 95% of the time I'm a very upbeat person but this week I'm jumping between anger, irritibility, fear, sadness & happiness & it can change at the snap of a finger. Yesterday I was down in the dumps and quiet, last night I was hyper & happy & today I feel utterly frustrated. Frustrated because mentally I feel alert & raring to go but physically my body is tired & aching. I hate feeling like this! :WTF: :scared15::yahoo::mad: - I'm all of these!!! Does anyone else go through this when having anxious moments? xx

17-09-14, 11:39
im on anti depressants and sometimes i cant stop laughing and jumping around and other times the sky is falling in and i am so depressed. the change can be sudden as well. weird. are you on any tablets?

17-09-14, 12:01
Hi James,

Thanks for replying. No - not on any meds. Never have been. I'm just really fed up thinking I'm going to have a great day then half way through I start getting aches/pains & my anxiety takes over & I come crashing down & my mood hits. It works the other way too. I can feel crap then feel better! I hate the instability of it all & hate not knowing my own mind. I haven't had an anxiety episode like this is years (life has been good) & suddenly out of nowhere I'm aware of every sensation in my body & my mind works overtime!