View Full Version : advice needed for an upcoming event!

17-09-14, 15:27
Hey everyone,

I found this site today and have been reading through a few helpful posts. I'm not sure if I'm posting in the right section so apologise if I've got it wrong.

I've been suffering from severe anxiety/panic attacks for about 3 years now and have got to the point of not knowing what to do. I'm 22 and don't leave the house anymore, even at home I seem to be in a constant state of panic. In a weeks time I'm moving to spain with my family and the whole thing is making me feel like I can't cope. We are driving down in a car which will take three days and not being able to have a 'base' for those three days is terrifying me. I just wondered if anyone had any suggests of things I could do/take to get me through this move and the journey. I know there isn't a quick fix for panic but even if anyone knew of a supplement/medication I could take just to calm me down I would be extremely grateful. For the long term I've been doing alot of reading into 'mindfullness' and breathing/meditation but obviously it takes time to work and I've only got a week left now :(

Sorry for the long essay and thanks in advance for taking the time to read it, as I know all of you have your own problems and worries

Kind regards

Holly xxxx

17-09-14, 19:10
Hi Holly, that is a big event so it's difficult to offer advice, what I can say though is remember it is natural to be nervous about a big event like this- everyone will be anxious about it.
If the car is the problem, maybe you could consider a different way of getting there - if you have the money maybe you could get a flight nearby? I don't know if that's any help, it's just a suggestion - I know catching a plane (especially by yourself)can be equally scary!
Keep in touch, you're not alone here and lots of people can empathise with you :)

18-09-14, 09:34
Hi Holly

Hope you're OK ? Mark's idea is a good one, could you maybe fly and meet everyone there ? You know, let them all get there first and you follow afterwards ?

If that's not possible then you mention not having a 'base', I can totally relate to that, a 'safe place'. Could you make yourself a safe place ? I don't know if this will sound silly to you but a favourite blanket you can have over you in the car, your earphones and some music, a favourite book - just some comforters or props that you can use to get you through the journey.

I hope all goes well ! Wow, all that sunshine, I'm jealous :winks:

Lisa x

18-09-14, 13:46
Thank you for your kind words mark and Lisa! I'ts really lovely that you both took the time out to comment and give advice.

I did think of getting a flight but unfortunately that isn't an option as I'd have to find somewhere to stay for the three days before I left and that is just as daunting for me.

I like your idea of having a safety blanket Lisa, I'm going to take my pillow and try and download lots of tv programmes to keep my mind off it.

My mum has made an appointment for me on Monday with a cognitive hypnotherapist, the lady said obviously she wouldn't be able to cure me with one session, but she thinks she can make a big difference to help me get through the journey. So I'm keeping everything crossed that it will take the edge off. Just need to gather all my strength to make sure I don't bottle out of going to see her.

Thanks again, a few words go along way to making someone not feel so alone

Holly x

19-09-14, 16:27
Let us know how you get on Holly :)