View Full Version : feeling out of it?

17-09-14, 19:04
I'm on a combo of meds that have helped me enormously, but sometimes,especially recently,I've been having that sort of "glass wall feeling" between me and the world.
I'm grateful that most of my anxiety symptoms have been dealt with,and feel that perhaps I should just be grateful for that,but am wondering if anyone else has experienced this?
I dont go back to see my psych for about 9 months now,so its probably down to me and my GP,and some trial and error with meds.
Any feedback appreciated.:)

18-09-14, 04:46
Hunni, do you think by chance it could be a side effect from the latest adjustment of your meds? It hasn't really been all that long, I know I was getting the odd new one closer on a month or six weeks out myself, in July. Have you ever experienced derealization, is this like that?

18-09-14, 04:53
I remember with the SSRI I took is was closer to 6 weeks as opposed to the SNRI I'm on now which was closer to 4-5 weeks so when GP's say X weeks they really are advised the average range and it differs per person.

18-09-14, 13:32
I think that may be what it is Marie,thanks!
I've just read some old threads about it and it seems quite similar.
I've been on this combo for a few months now,so don't really know if its that.
My thought was maybe I need to taper down a bit more with either the Mirt to 7.5 or the Ven back to 150,think I'll have a chat with the doc.
Its not that bad most of the time,and I'm doing well otherwise.
How are things with you?:hugs:

18-09-14, 18:57
I Pm'd AprilMoon to tell her to check out derealisation, but now I re-read this thread I see I was beaten to the diagnosis by SADnomore! Oh well, the (slow) though that counts huh!
What you need to consider is whether the derealisation is an effect of the meds or the anxiety, that's the tricky part.

18-09-14, 21:40
Too right, Mark, that is the tricky part! I know it's bothersome and worrying, but we need to reassure ourselves that it is normal and WILL pass in time. I had that, and depersonalization, and déjà vu off and on when I was anxious and didn't even know I was. Sure wish I had had this site then, I thought I was truly going crazy! :wacko:

Aprilmoon, I'm also hoping that some very small dose changes, taken separately and slowly, will resolve your symptoms! That is, if that feeling doesn't dissipate on its own inside of a couple more weeks. Fingers crossed for you, hun!

I'm doing alright here, thank you. :winks: I did get a spate of migraines again with the new increase, and some physical anxiety symptoms. Going to hang in on the 150 for a full 6 or (if possible) 8 weeks I think. When it is time for another increase, I'm going to ask for a prescription for the tablets to go with the 75 mg capsules. That way, I can split them and titrate up really slowly, thus hopefully avoiding the big spike in anxiety so many of us have had. That is, if it can be done. Will keep you posted! xx

19-09-14, 02:20
I remember when I was starting mine that some days I would go out to feed the birds in my back garden and as I was throwing food to them I felt closed off and like I wasn't seeing outside of a tunnel trained on one area of the garden, but I was.

Its a strange feeling but I've always found it never lasted long with me. I don't believe I have suffered DP/DR because it was slight and I still feel it when I have flare ups now but I whilst I feel it inside, I can bring myself out of it byfocussing on something else.

I remember it almost felt like my brain wasn't functioning on full power!

20-09-14, 04:23
Hey, Aprilmoon! How are you doing now? Better I hope! I don't mean to give this business any more "press" if it has eased up, lol! We know that focussing on it intensely only makes it worse, as with all anxiety symptoms. :P

Having said that, I have found a few tips that may be helpful, they are recommended by physicians and psychiatrists alike, and along the lines of what MyNameIsTerry is familiar with, I think, ie mindfulness. These are interactive ways to "get yourself to perform an action, and focus as much as possible on that action in order to get yourself back into the world."
Try these:
-Touch something warm or cold. Focus on the warmth or cold.
-Pinch yourself so that you feel how real you are.
-Find a single object and start identifying what it is and what you know about it.
-Count something in the room. Identify what they are.
-Utilize your senses in any way possible. I'm thinking about something yummy to eat, or lovely flowers to smell!

Some people advise to keep your eyes moving and get your brain thinking, and not to "zone out on a single thought."

As to cause, some advisers feel that derealization is related to an imbalance in neurotransmitters, and so it may likely be due to a temporary shifting of these in response to your med changes. (I know I had new sensations a number of times long after I had started on the capsules. Changes that I attributed to my brain accommodating the increased serotonin etc.). Other suspected causes include a surge of adrenalin for whatever reason. I myself remember having intense episodes of derealization when I was giving birth to both of my children. Since I had already been through it once, I was surprised when it happened the second time, despite the fact I was inescapably taking part in the whole thing! ... In any case, it's pretty common, apparently, and what's most important is to remember that it is absolutely not a sign of something frightening actually happening to your mind or brain or your relationship with your surroundings. Nothing to worry about, really, and (thankfully) a temporary phenomenon.

Hang in there, girlfriend! Meanwhile, I'm pleased as punch for you about the resolving of your anxiety to this point! Your mood sounds pretty good too, feelings of gratitude no doubt helps with that! :hugs:
Marie xx