View Full Version : Worried about Epilepsy:'(! Help

17-09-14, 22:38
Long story short, I haven't been feeling my self for months now! I had a bad throat and since then I got an anxiety over certain situations however it has grown into everything and health anxiety (I think). I've been to the hospital where I was seen to by the a&e nurse and she said everything was fine, she checked my oxygen, blood pressure, pulse and stuff. After that I went to the doctors 3 different times, after listening to my symptoms Everything is fine' however I had a urine infection that I was on tablets for (for a different reason). The most recent doctor sent me for blood tests is practically most things, everything was fine except a slight B12 deficiency, however she said this could just be a one off and I've got to wait next month for a new blood test. Its been weeks and weeks and I've still got a urine infection however the nurse that sees me says I don't need to worry about it..anyways my symptoms are: Stomach aches after food so so bad (like gas pains), feeling weak, tired, muscles feeling weak, I have really really bad shakiness, I feel dizzy, sick, bloated, achy, I get earaches and head pain, chest tightness, I find it difficult to breath and I have this feeling that something awful is happening to me. However I try to carry on as normal but these feelings take over me, sometimes i feel as if i am fading out of reality, i feel weak and i start to shake, i get worried I'm about to have a fit, my head feels funny and i get this strange edgy feeling like something is happening, i feel so confused and the confusion adds to it too when I'm like this because i cant think! I am a 16 year old girl and I've had no health problems in the past, but this feeling is insane.. Are these sensations epilepsy?:( i am so frightened its going to happen, please reply anyone!! Thank you:-(Also before i used to really think i had a lung problem because of the breathing, then heart, then i thought stomach problem, which I still think because I get awful pains:-(( helpppp
:( i

18-09-14, 19:16
Hey there, :)

I'm in the same boat as well right now, I too am scared of getting epilepsy, Your not alone in that, and have been feeling heavy headed with stress, I feel like I just wanna sit or lie down when I'm walking down the streets, by looking at your symptoms, I think you have nothing to worry about, I think its just fear, Just relax a bit, maybe keep your mind occupied, and see if that helps, I started quite a few threads on Epilepsy, maybe some of the replies will help ease your mind,

I'm always here for a chat, maybe we can help each other! :)

19-09-14, 03:04
Please let me explain something to you.
I had a severe life threatening anaphlaxis to a vaccine when I was 5. Afterwards, I had seizures (grandmal) - and I still have them once in a blue moon.
I also have severe panic attacks (I think as a result of the medical problems) and the attacks are always spurred by the thought I COULD have a seizure and the more I think like that, the worse they become.
In all reality, if you are going to have a seizure (from experience), you get an 'aura' (a funny smell, colour, taste etc) then you are out like a light. You don't have delayed symptoms. It is all very quick and you usually don't feel anxious.
Having said that, anxiety can feel like you're going to pass out. I know that really well. The more you start to be aware of how scary you feel the more your blood pressure will rise and the more you will start to react. After over ten years of this and fears of seizures I am now working on the breathing in these situations. The deep breathing. I never thought it could help but it really does.
I really hope this helps you both.

20-09-14, 02:18
Hi Lauren,
I'm currently in the same place as you, aswell as having a fear of fainting :(
Having pretty much the same symptoms as you too,
If you need anyone to talk to, feel free to message me, same as ocd sux said, might be able to help each other out :)

At least we know we aren't alone!

20-09-14, 15:32
Hey all, im feeling awful after Googling a symptom!

Has anyone experienced Deja Vu? I've been getting these occasionally, but I looked it up and it said it is Temprol Lobe Epilepsy,

I cant stop thinking about it, I had a very bad night last night,

Anyone for a chat?

20-09-14, 19:41
Everyone on earth has had déjà vu. No worries ;)

21-09-14, 00:35
Everyone on earth has had déjà vu. No worries ;)

Are you sure Rose? I had 1 again today, had 1 yesterday, why does it keep happening? I'm very scared! I have no one to talk to! :weep:

I just keep thinking about it!

21-09-14, 00:36
Do you want to chat?

21-09-14, 00:37
Do you want to chat?

Yes please Rose, would love a chat right now! :)

21-09-14, 00:37
PM me

21-09-14, 00:39
PM me

Done! :)