View Full Version : Magnesium Update

18-09-14, 05:47
I posted just almost three weeks ago about the apparent benefits of magnesium/symptoms of deficiency and how I was going to give it a go.

It has made such a difference! I cant stress it enough.

I sleep SO much better.

I still dream every night but they arent as vivid or as scary or as "death" related.

The black bags under my eyes have gone - noticed by a friend not me!

I dont get palpitations - could be the combined effect of beta blockers, but have been on these a year now.

I have more energy

I feel that I am not stressing or worrying as much and feel a lot more inner calm.

My tummy has been fab and been having proper, brown poo!!! Sorry TMI but this was a real issue for me! 10 mins after eating , I would run straight to loo to evacuate!!

Maybe all in my head but as said before, it cant do any harm, the worst that can happen is if you overdose on it, you have the runs!


18-09-14, 07:29
Great news, what dose are you on?

18-09-14, 08:27
Good stuff. :)

18-09-14, 15:06
I take a capsule in the morning and after a shower I spray 10 sprays of magnesium oil on my body. Apparently its easiest absorbed through skin and not stomach

18-09-14, 15:11
Good result ,I take ZMA which really helps me sleep http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ZMA_(supplement)