View Full Version : On edge about the Scottish referendum

18-09-14, 14:52
Hi there! This morning I have been really on edge about what the result will be tomorrow when Scotland chooses wether or not we get independence. I really want to take two 1mg Lorazepam tablets to take the edge off but my doctor has told me to take one when I have a panic attack. One helps a little, but today I am really stressed out about this whole thing. Would it be safe for me to take two to really calm me down? Thanks!

18-09-14, 15:01
call your doctor they will be able to advise. Please try not to worry about the result. I am on tenterhooks as well and im in London! All you can do is vote with your conscience. try and relax dont watch the news.

18-09-14, 15:02
Thanks for the advice! I will just take one and see where I go from there.

18-09-14, 15:54
I am also on edge, I think we just need to accept that this is in this occasion normal anxiety! People that don't have anxiety disorders are anxious about this. Not much longer to go though so what will be now will be..

18-09-14, 17:53
I'm English, and while I am concerned at the outcome, I literally have no control over it whatsoever, whatever will happen will happen. So why worry.

The Scots are still not having the pound!

19-09-14, 02:26
Its normal for anyone to feel on edge about something of this size, some people just feel it more than others. Add an anxiety disorder to it and you are going to see if use this as another way to escape your control and make you feel bad. It loves latching on to things to wriggle free again!

I think it would be best to distract yourself and not watch the news programmes about it. Whatever happens, you vote the way you wish to and you can't change the rest, you can only accept it...or better, don't care about it right now and remember that whatever happens, nothing changes (as Kimberley said on another thread) things will carry on and any changes will be phased in over a long time so it doesn't cause people problems. The financial side is an unknown, something that can be an issue for people like us, so I would not consider it right now and judge it when the time comes as Salmond & co reveal their plans (if the Yes vote wins that it)

19-09-14, 07:45
Its all over for a generation now but stay away from the mud slinging websites as it will rage on for a bit with those morons.

Glad you are all staying!!!