View Full Version : Hi all

18-09-14, 17:36
Hi all hope you are all doing ok. In September last year I started having panic attacks started off the odd one here and there but then they got more frequent ended up in hospital on more then one occasion ended up housebound and off work due to it for about three months now I've been back at work for around 3-4 months now I've to step down from my managerial role and go part time which at 1st was very depressing that I had to do that but no matter less stress now and lest I got some money coming in! at the moment I'm on 45mg of mirtazipine the panic attacks have gone now all I'm left with is dizzy lightheaded feeling I constantly get I sweat quite a bit I am Alittle bit overweight put on quite a few pounds due to this drug I'm ok with that as I was too skinny. The doctor has suggested that I start reducing my does age down try to come of it just want a few peoples experience coming off this drug that's all. Many thanks

18-09-14, 19:31
I was on Mirtazapine some time ago and it worked for me and was really good. As far as I can remember, cutting down and coming off was pretty easy without any serious side-effects. I wish you all the best.

19-09-14, 15:32
Thank you very much for the reply means alot I am seeing him next week

19-09-14, 21:00

Look on the mirt message board. Quite a few people have started threads recording coming off mirt recently.

19-09-14, 21:43
My Partner was on Mirtazapine and he weaned off by taking every other day, then every few days over about a month. He put on a lot of weight when he was taking this drug, but he found it very affective. He got the best sleep, but always fell asleep in the evening as well. He had no bad reactions or withdrawal symptoms from this drug.