View Full Version : Hi everyone from nutcase in Melbourne, Australia

19-09-14, 03:09
Hi Everyone,

After 25 years of anxiety,( I am now 30) I have finally reached a stage where I am reaching out to people and doing everything in my power to help myself.
My anxiety began when I was 5 and had a one in a million anaphlaxis to a vaccination and almost died. From then on i was frightened to death of medical appointments, doctors, blood, needles, anything to do with body and health.
I developed a seizure problem. (i've only had about 16 in my life, so it's not so severe) I think the anxiety of having a seizure is a major part of the actual problem.
I have panic attacks where Ifeel I am going to have a seizure, pass out, die, go crazy, nothing feels right or real. These have gotten to the point where I have been scared to leave the house 'in case' something happens to me.
I am anxious all the time. If it's not one thing it's another.
I really want to reach out to you all and meet some people and I hope I can help others in return.

19-09-14, 09:02
Welcome to NMP, I'm sure you'll find like-minded people to chat to. I wish you all the best.

21-09-14, 00:18
Hey..........keep posting and talking it out.:)