View Full Version : Hello back again

19-09-14, 08:51
I'm val and I have been fairly well for a few years now. But now the demon has returned. I have had health problems for a while, lost my mum last January and now my back pain has returned. Result ---- big link straight to panic attacks again. Start with a hot sweat nausea then panic. Help! I am trying to keep going but am getting worse quickly!

19-09-14, 09:05
Welcome back, I hope you find some help here. I wish you all the best.

19-09-14, 10:28
Thanks just need some support right now!

19-09-14, 19:32
Hi sorry to hear you are feeling bad

I had years without anxiety and then horrid things started to happen and in January of this year I had full blown anxiety

I could hardly do anything but pushed myself to get help from my GP and was put on 30mg citalopram which helped enormously and then just as the curtains were opening my brother committed suicide on 4 July and I am now struggling with grief which has brought on my anxiety again

My GP was seeing me every two weeks and this week after six weeks of watching me carefully he has put me on beta blockers and I am truly feeling much much better not great but better

I see a psychotherapist every week and she is trying to get to the bottom of my anxiety but with the added trauma it is taking much more strength from me but I am trying to get there

I doubt that I will ever get rid of my anxiety as I believe it is too deeply rooted but I hope I will learn to control it and that is what keeps me optimistic that we are in charge not our thoughts because that is what anxiety is and we have to learn to be in charge of our thoughts and build new pathways in our brains

Good luck and if u want to message me feel free to