View Full Version : help please is this aanxiety or is illness

19-09-14, 10:34
I was just sat on my bed I was aware I felt a bit anxious and shaky like I was dropping my phone which made me think what's happening then I felt a werid sensation rising from my legs all the way through my body a bit like fear but it was strange its went all the way up to my shoulder by now I am panicked like mad I went to my hubby saying help I don't no what's wrong I feel tingly werid feeling I was so scared he said sit down I said I was sitting g down wen it happend so I paced the floor for a while and it kinda calmed down I still aware of it this happen in Feb and I was taking citiralpram and now I am on week severn of sertraline as I stopped taking the meds after that with cits which I had only been on them three weeks so now I am trying to stick with this one as heard good results from it I just feel scared wen this happened before in Feb it kept cominng back all day I hope it don't as its really frighteing
I did go to a&e last time they took blood done heart reading they said I was fine XXX
So I am thinking did they miss something oh god here it comes again x

19-09-14, 11:40
Panic / anxiety attack it sounds like to me. I had a similar experience about 2 months ago. I'd had a bath, just made a cuppa and was sitting down on the sofa, feeling kinda relaxed. All of a sudden I had this nausea feeling come over me and as if the blood was draining from my body. I got up and went to the bathroom and my legs were shaking and I sat on the toilet because I felt like I needed a BM or was gonna be sick. It pasted after a few moments but left me shivering and tired...its was a horrid experience!

That was the first real panic attack that I've had...but looking back on things now I may of had some minor ones in the past but never attributed them to be panic attacks.

Anyways...You are fine, please don't worry and try to relax.

19-09-14, 13:30
Thanks for your reply its such a weird feeling its so hard to explain its just keeps going down then. The feeling back again I was hyperventalating as well its been happening since about eleven clock I feel total aware of every little feeli g life,e my body is on high apart for any feeling I don't like xxx

19-09-14, 19:29
Yes, I had this Trish. I would say it was a bad Panic Attack. I think your Anxiety is on a high at the moment from reading your threads. Can you put your mind to something that will stop you thinking all the time about your worries causing you Panic Attacks. Have you got any hobbies? Drawing is quite a good one; my Therapist recommends it. And I always do yoga before I go to bed which helps with the blood flow and releases bad toxins built up from the day. I know you are having a hard time at the moment, but I do believe you need to divert your thoughts, otherwise you are going to worrying over every symptom and panicking that it is something which is not related to Anxiety. I also find being on here for few hours in the evening better for me than watching TV and I always go to bed when I am dog tired so that I fall asleep straight away. (Nothing worse than lying in bed mulling stuff over and panicking about it.

19-09-14, 23:54
I definitely can relate. I know exactly what your saying. I get the same thing. It's panic. I've been struggling with this for almost 4 yrs. Worst feeling. Your not alone.. keep your chin up hun. There's an end to every beginning.

19-09-14, 23:56
I like that. 'There's an end to every beginning'. Now, that's real hope! :)