View Full Version : Fear over partner's biopsy

19-09-14, 14:06
My partner had a biopsy taken from the inside of his cheek just over a week ago and I'm going crazy while we wait for the results.

He was referred to a specialist when the dentist noticed white lines and patches inside his cheek. The dentist thinks it's due to cheek-biting but said he has to make sure.

The specialist took one look and said cheek-biting, and said there's a little bit of it on the other side too (the main area is one side in his mouth). However, she said they have to biopsy, just to be sure.

The two doctors who did the biopsy took one look and said "wow, you really chew your cheek".

Partner is totally relaxed. All the doctors have been totally relaxed. We were cc'ed on a letter from the specialist to our GP saying (summarising), "I've seen your patient and I think he chews his cheek".

Yet I'm freaking out thinking 'what if it's oral cancer?'

Because the specialist was unconcerned, the results were marked as non-urgent, so we've got a one month wait from biopsy date to the results appointment date. I'm going crazy. :weep:

I do this every time. We've had a run of these in the last year. I had persistently swollen lymph nodes which were checked out, then I had a breast lump that was checked out. We're only in our 30s but have had three separate "let's just make sure this isn't cancer" things in the space of a year. In the same twelve months we've done a big house move and had unsuccessful IVF treatment. I'm completely drained.

Every time I Google and drive myself crazy. I know I shouldn't but I do it anyway. I'm so sick of living on edge. I can't relax - since the biopsy I've had to distract myself every waking minute and I'm exhausted. :wacko:

19-09-14, 15:04
So they've already tested it but you won't get your results for a month?

19-09-14, 15:40
Yes, sorry. His biopsy was done on 10th September and has healed up well. But the appointment to get the results has been set for 10th October. It's the waiting to hear the results that's driving me nuts.

I was the same when having my own lumps and bumps checked out. I get so anxious and upset with all the "what ifs". I know full well it's completely wasted energy but I don't know how to break the cycle.

19-09-14, 16:27
I'm sure you would have been called by now if the results were anything sinister. I too am awaiting results but have calmed down a bit now it's been a week with no news!

It sounds like your move and unsuccessful IVF treatment have triggered your anxiety - mine has also been triggered by moving from the UK to Canada and losing 2 young friends to cancer all happening at the same time. You will find that time will help - my anxiety 'episodes' are getting further apart now. Keep strong! X

19-09-14, 16:42
Thank you. :)

The specialist who ordered the biopsy said she was making it "non-urgent" as she wasn't worried. This means it's back of the queue in the lab to be analysed. I didn't consider that we'd be contacted in advance. On the day that he had the biopsy, they just made a follow-up appointment for a month later. I guess you're right though that once they get round to analysing it, we would presumably get called in earlier if it was anything bad.

I'm surprised they made an appointment at all - I thought it'd be a case of a phone call if the results were all clear, and only an appointment if they found anything.

It has been a really stressful year and that has definitely made me freak out more, I'm sure. Though this is the first time I've experienced having things checked out, and hubby having the same. I'm hoping it's current stress making it worse and I won't always react this badly in the future as inevitably, as we get older, there'll be more health worries.

19-09-14, 21:15
I think it's pretty common to make a follow up appointment for biopsies. My sister in law recently had one and got her results at the follow up, which were fine.

When I dropped my sample at the lab they said the doc would know in two days. But it's been a week now and the doc still doesn't 'have them' - however I think it's probably fine and they have just simply put them in the non urgent pile and will process thru the system when they can - that's what I'm hoping is the case!

I think any positive tests or biopsies would somehow be flagged by the lab and you would know by now.

Yes I'm sure stress makes things worse - I've been through a couple of tests because of my worries! But they certainly help make you feel better just knowing for sure!