View Full Version : What a bad idea to have 2 glasses of wine

Female healthanxiety
19-09-14, 21:37
Fed up, fed up and more fed up to be honest!

I haven't posted on here every day but apologies for the broken record.

For the last 6 weeks have had this constant dizziness, and for it was given Semetil in the first instance (that made me feel more dizzy so DR said stop taking them) and have now been given cinnarizine.

I have even lost my job due to me being able to function properly.

I thought let me try and let my hair down and catch up with a friend, which just involved 2 glasses of wine (to see if that relaxed me) and now my dizziness is awful and my head is hurting.

I am just losing hope with life and if this is what I have to deal with everyday I just don't feel despair.

After 6 weeks of feeling like this, I struggled to go to 5 interviews this week, as I need to get back into work. The whole driving, parking, meeting, travelling just made me feel worse.

I normally relax after a drink but that is how I know this dizziness is definitely something.

---------- Post added at 21:37 ---------- Previous post was at 17:56 ----------


19-09-14, 21:46
Just rake your time and things will get better ?x

---------- Post added at 21:46 ---------- Previous post was at 21:46 ----------

Take lol x

Female healthanxiety
19-09-14, 21:49
Thank you for your reply,

I just fell asleep for 2 hours and just woke up and am home alone, and not feeling too great!!!

My heart palpatations and ectopics are back and it's just adding to the fuel of how I'm feeling....

Even my friend mentioned I've never been like this for so long at a time, as in unwell.


20-09-14, 01:06
Drink some water, take an ibuprofin, and then drink more water. Hydration is most important after that! You'll feel better soon.

I've had dizziness from sinus problems the past few months ... it's awful. Everybody tells me I look exhausted and have bags under my eyes even when I feel energized. It really is tiring. Hope you find an answer for your dizziness soon

20-09-14, 12:30
Hi FHA, hope you are feeling a bit better today.

The heart palps and ectopics are very likely due to anxiety. Anxiety takes a huge toll on our wellbeing. It exhausts us and takes away our ability to rationalise.

Maybe instead of thinking of all the things we think we can't do. At the end of the day make a list of all the things we have done, even if we struggle to do them.

You sound as if you have had a busy week, with all those interviews and meeting a friend for a drink. It's no wonder you feel like you do.

Don't lose hope, you have been strong so far, and you can carry on being strong. Try to do things even when you feel you can't. Think to yourself, do i really have these symptoms 24/7 or are there times when I don't notice them? I know can't give you medical advise, but I do think if there was anything to worry about your doctor would have picked up on it by now. Don't forget when you were relaxed on your holiday you didn't have the symptoms, it was only when you were due to come home, they started again. What does this tell you? :hugs:

PS: Have you read CPE1978's post, it's very good.

Female healthanxiety
20-09-14, 15:03
As girl / thank you, I did and had a sleep for a couple hours, but as a result, couldn't sleep until 3.30am!

Hello my Primula - thank you for your reply hun.

I just feel the same everyday!! I know I maybe did too much but I really need to find another job, got lots of bills, and thought that I would do them all together.

That's such a good idea; the list. I will do that today....

I do think rationally and believe it or not try and not let this get to me, but it's so intense, I have to sit down.

Yes, I was relaxed one holiday until the last 2 days!

I haven't read the post you mentioned - I will copy the name and look now xxx

How are you?

20-09-14, 16:12
Here's the link for that post, incase you can't find it.

I'm having a pretty good day today. Thanks for asking.:)


Female healthanxiety
23-09-14, 14:05
Thank you primula - yea I remember reading this it's a great post.

How are you today?

23-09-14, 15:25
I'm ok, but have a few family worries which have pulled me down a bit. I'll get over it though. :)