View Full Version : Panic attack

19-09-14, 21:53
Hi all I'm going to Mexico tomorrow and yes I had a panic attack last night which was terrible I used to gave them years ago but they stopped ? I got propranolol from doc so hopefully I will be ok I just don't like the take off ? And couple years back I ended up in hospital in the Dominican and this is stressing me out I could feel it weeks ago but it just exploded last night hope I will be ok tomorrow ? Xx

19-09-14, 22:00
Don't let it ruin your trip. I have just overcome my fear of Motorways and been on the most fantastic holiday. I have a lesser fear of flying than driving. The take off only lasts a few seconds and I find flights are so filled with distractions, you are there before you know it. Take some sweets and a book or magazine/newspaper and you will be fine. It is the run up to the event that causes the Panic and Anxiety as it did with me. Just keep telling yourself you are going to be fine and that you are going somewhere really nice and you deserve it! :)

20-09-14, 04:30
Hey thanks carnation for the reply ? I was beginning to think every one was ignoring me lol ? Well that's me up for airport so far so good just gonna jump in bath and have a bit toast that's good that you had a good Holliday ? I'm really looking forward to mine been two gears since we gave been away ? I will be fine I will have coke halfs at airport take care speak soon xx:D

20-09-14, 04:42
Have a fantastic holiday and come and make us all jealous when you come home,Mexico is superb holiday destination

17-10-14, 15:25
Hi folks well I made Mexico but only for a week then had to fly home asi was not well ended up in hospital for 10 days now of work have bad anxiety back on meds yesterday and feel terrible today but hey ho the week I was in Mexico it was good apart from me being ill most of the time but I will get there just another chapter in my life lol take care speak soon xx:weep:

17-10-14, 18:48
Sorry to hear you have not been well, but you did make it there and you said it was good. I think the lead up to it may have taken its toll with you. Anxiety has a habit of storing itself and hitting you with it like a lead balloon! I think you did very well. if you can control the Anxiety, you can do it again with a much different attitude. I found Therapy very good and some sort of Mind, body, spirit exercise like Yoga or Tai chi. :)