View Full Version : chemical contamination Stupid

19-09-14, 22:03
Hi I found this site by accident doing a bit of googling and am relieved to see I am not the only one that gets weird! Yesterday whilst riding my bike to work I came upon a man spraying weeds in the gutter. I wasn't really close. The wind wasn't blowing particularly hard. But I still feel that 'What if... some of that chemical went on my shoes and trouser leg? At work I wiped my shoe with a paper towel with detergent on it. My trouser I just had to leave (back at home I hitched my trousers up when going upstairs so they wouldn't 'rub' on anything) Then the rational part of my brain said 'feel the fear and do it anyway'! So, I folded my trousers and wore them today too. (I also showered last night) Now though I am thinking I am going to have to wash those trousers separately from everything else. (When hubby isn't around) Also did I clean my shoe properly? What if I traipsed something into my house. Where we take our shoes off we walk in our socks in that area! it's almost that I feel that chemicals are like a sort of oily residue that sticks and will only come off with, I'm not sure what exactly but chemicals are BAD! I have even tried thinking that other people will have walked where he sprayed and not known it is sprayed and they aren't bothered the area has been sprayed. (I didn't even ride my bike over a sprayed bit!) See how irrational this is but I can't help it. I even had to wash my leg really well 'just in case!' Just in case of what I don't know exactly. I keep trying to tell myself that as long as we wash our hands before we eat we will be fine. Is weed killer stuff really bad in small doses or on clothes? I daren't google it in case it makes me panic worse and there is nothing I can do about it now anyway. Also I work in a care environment what if I have contaminated that too. Really I am an intelligent person with a irrational idiot trying to get out. Sorry this is a bit of a ramble but needed to let it out somewhere!.

19-09-14, 23:02
I keep trying to tell myself that as long as we wash our hands before we eat we will be fine. Is weed killer stuff really bad in small doses or on clothes? .

exactly right.... not that you have any on you, in fact it is improbable that you did.

put your clothes through a normal wash cycle and have a nice long bath..... the bath is more for you to relax than wash yourself.

you are fine and will be fine..... as you say just an irrational fear.

Ps, welcome to NMP :)

20-09-14, 02:06
It sounds like you need some help to habituate to the presence of chemicals such as in exposure therapy so that you get beyond the fear and do not feel the need to clean 'just in case'.

Are you getting any help with this?

Is it a contamination thing in that you perform a lot of cleaning rituals such as in OCD or is it more a phobia?

20-09-14, 16:42
Hi, thanks for the replies. The only help I am getting is from reading and trying things myself. :blush: . I have self diagnosed myself with G.A.D I get anxious about contamination from chemicals/cleaning products/other peoples germs/diseases. Also I have a fear of broken glass/pottery (where bits might get into food or drink) I even hate having to walk near broken glass on the pavements! Other peoples health and safety(working with children I am always worrying about them all!) I can't leave any food/drink unattended in case something goes in it or some-one puts something in it. I wash my hands before and after going to the toilet, before because I am going to be handling tissue that is going to be used on my anatomy. I could write a huge list of things that bother/scare me! I have a lazy streak, or more of an I have got other things that need doing (procrastinating!) streak so even though I don't scrub out the sink everyday, I will worry if anything touches it and rewash things. I do have so many issues! Some things though I think are natural sensible precautions where other people will not think twice about it. About a week ago some plastic got melted on our hob by accident whilst hubby was cooking. I refused to eat the food and wouldn't let our d.d have any I had to wash down all the cupboard fronts and sides, I threw the marge out that had been open and the eggs that were near. But hubby was really narked with me and still ate the food. I have been like this for quiet a few years sometimes worse than others. So now if I think there is something wrong I am not sure if it is an over-reaction, hubby is saying yes it is fine and really maybe he doesn't know and what if he is wrong? Part of me thinks I am just over caring/sensible and another part of me is shaking its head saying oh my you have lost it!
I have considered going to the doctors about this as something happens nearly everyday that may not make me panic but makes me hesitate or think about what I am doing(did I check that cup before I put water in it? What if there was something in the bottom? I better empty it and rinse it and start again...) But then I wonder if he recommends medication does it just take away the panic feelings? Would it make me forget what I am panicking over? What if what I am panicking about is worth panicking about and because I don't get the right feelings I don't do the right thing?
I try distraction techniques (I nearly know all my times tables now!) I think of positive things to be thankful for. I write down what I am getting worked up over and try to analyse it. Sometimes these things work and sometimes they don't. I use Bach rescue remedy when I feel really bad and use lots of hand gel/soap and wipes!
Thanks if you read this far!
I also won't get a microwave because of microwave radiation that 'might' get out.. DUH!

20-09-14, 17:37
Hello :)

Well I can relate to all the things you do to protect yourself from 'contamination'. I do the same but with me it's just germs and other people touching stuff. Have you ever thought about what might happen if you don't do all these things you feel you need to do? What is it that drives the fear to carry out all these things? For me it's a need to control everything and know it's done the proper way.

I would recommend going to see the doctors, I have had cbt therapy for anxiety and it's really helped teach me to challenge the thoughts that cause me to carry out these behaviours. I was also the same thinking that what if getting help means that I'm not so careful. I still am, but it doesn't cause so much anxiety about it anymore! I couldn't say I'm cured, but it gets easier to recognise the difference between a sensible thought - washing hand before eating, and a irrational thought - washing fruit with soap. (Although that has crossed my mind before!!)

20-09-14, 19:41
I can relate to your experience with the weed killer, cleaning products & broken glass (I avoid it on pavements - don't want in my shoe & carried into the home!). In the Summer, some weeds were sprayed near to where I parked my car & I didn't want anything getting on my clothes. A strong shower of rain washed the car & made me feel better. When I felt less stressed the feeling started to fade.
I have been advised to use mindfulness & then CBT to tackle situations where I feel anxious. A short break to practice breathing & calm down can help one respond to an anxious situation in a more constructive way. It is hard to overcome feelings, especially when they are strong!

---------- Post added at 19:41 ---------- Previous post was at 19:34 ----------

P.S. Just wash your clothes with the other laundry in the regular way.

21-09-14, 02:39
I think if you look at OCDUK's list of OCD types you may find yourself in some of this:


Contamination – the need to clean and wash is the compulsion, the obsessive fear is that something is contaminated and/or may cause illness, and ultimately death, to a loved one or oneself.

Using public toilets (fear of contracting germs from other people).
Coming into contact with chemicals (fear of contamination).
Shaking hands (fear of contracting germs from other people).
Touching door knobs/handles (fear of contracting germs from other people).
Using public telephones (fear of contracting germs from other people).
Waiting in a GP’s surgery (fear of contracting germs from other people).
Visiting hospitals (fear of contracting germs from other people).
Eating in a cafe/restaurant (fear of contracting germs from other people).
Washing clothes in a launderette (fear of contracting germs from other people).
Touching bannisters on staircases (fear of contracting germs from other people).
Touching poles (fear of contracting germs from other people).
Being in a crowd (fear of contracting germs from other people).
Avoiding red objects and stains (fear of contracting HIV/AIDS from blood like stains).
Clothes (having to shake clothes to remove dead skin cells, fear of contamination).
Excessive Tooth Brushing (fear of leaving minute remains of mouth disease).
Cleaning of Kitchen and Bathroom (fear of germs being spread to family).

The cleaning or washing is often carried out multiple times often accompanied by rituals of repetitive hand or body washing until the person ‘feels’ it is clean, rather than someone without OCD who will wash or clean once until they ‘see’ they are clean. The time this takes can have a serious impact on a person’s ability to hold down jobs and relationships and there is also a secondary physical health impact of the constant scrubbing and cleaning on the skin, especially the hands. A person may also avoid entire places if they experienced contamination fears there previously. There is also a cost implication of the constant use and purchase of cleaning products, and also of items (especially electrical) that are damaged through excessive liquid damage.

Does that look familiar?

NICE guidelines tell GP's to look for non medicated routes at first so I would expect they would refer you to a service that can give you Guided Self Help which is the Level 2 in the care pathway. If that doesn't work, its on to Level 3 for a higher intensity which is normally in the form of CBT. They may choose to medicate at Level 3 to help with the therapy. They may choose to medicate from the start because it will depend on the severity of your case.

Distraction is useful. If you can come up with things to distract you from following rituals, it will help but ultimately you want to not worry at all and this will require tackling your thoughts which are triggering you to perform such rituals. Try Mindfulness for this as its very good for anxiety disorders and definately helps with OCD because it helps you to break up chains of though. See the therapy baord on this website for more recent threads discussing it as there are recommended authors & experts and links in them.

Medication doesn't neccessarily stop anxiety anyway, it can just reduce it enough to give you some control back. It depends on your severity.

Did something happen with contamination which has triggerered all this or have you been under a lot of stress that has caused the anxiety? I found with OCD that a big part of it is a lack of trust in yourself and it feeds on areas like caring for others (especially with your job) as it just takes that element and distorts it kinto a bigger less rational scenario.

21-09-14, 18:31
Yikes that's me! (and then some!) Thank you I shall certainly take a look at the links recommended. I think it has been a lot of small things that have snowballed causing me to be the way I am. I also think dissatisfaction and regret play a part. For although my job is fulfilling I would rather be doing something else but unfortunately I cannot do anything about it as we are so dependent on the money and I know my other choice of career would not allow us to pay the bills etc. for a long while. My job is mentally challenging and my schedule leaves me feeling I haven't enough time to do things that need doing. Also our lifestyle all of us would like it to change but again circumstances wont allow it yet. A few years back we were able to live more of the dream and eat organic and had more time off work. (And I think watching many episodes of Kim and Aggie didn't help!) Thanks again for the help!
(When we first moved into our house it took about two hours to clean the sink and taps because they were caked in black gunk. Also we have found asbestos in our garden. I regret that we didn't look at more houses but I agreed to this one as hubby liked it so much. both of these real contamination things still cause my heart to beat a bit faster and clenches my stomach.)

23-09-14, 18:44
[/QUOTE]and a irrational thought - washing fruit with soap. (Although that has crossed my mind before!!)[/QUOTE]

Lol, forgot to say I do that too! although my parents also do that so it's hereditary!