View Full Version : Headaches

20-09-14, 09:45
So I've been suffering with them for a while was on naproxen they worked for a whole now I'm on 500mg of paracetamol with anti sickness in because I feel nausea a lot but my headaches havd calmed down for a few days meaning not needing the tablets as much. I just had horrendous eye pressure ( sinuses ) but now I'm waking up in the morning with awful headaches and sickness is this the tablets? I've heard paracetamol can give rebound headaches x

---------- Post added at 09:45 ---------- Previous post was at 09:32 ----------

Also it doesn't last long it's like half a. Hour to an hour? Very strange headache.

20-09-14, 11:43
Pressure behind the eye and headaches sounds like a bit of a sinus inflammation. Try putting some vic in a bowl of boiling water and breathe in the vapour, might help. If not, see the doctor just to take a look.

FYI, if you keep taking paracetamol for headaches longterm it can make them worse.

21-09-14, 06:32
I've had headaches behind the eye in the past and it turned out to be eye strain. Are you on the computer a lot? You may want to invest in some glasses and see if they help at all.

21-09-14, 18:25
It's not a headache in my eye it's pressure all in my eyes and sinuses. And I have a horrendous headache at the back of my head I'm on prescribed meds every day for the headaches as I've had it 8weeks straight. Had my eyes tested 2weeks ago just waiting on MRI scan.

21-09-14, 19:19
Just to let you know I have pressure I feel in my eyes and headache at back of head towards the right . where is your head ache ?

21-09-14, 19:31
It's right at the back of my head on the left hand side. Althought I've started having pains in the side and sometimes in my forehead. I have horrendous sickness with it so on anti sickness too but my neurologist wants to try and cut it down he thinks I'm suffering with a sever chronic migraine which can last up to 12weeks and can be mistaken for a tumour. But he's arranged a MRI to be sure.

21-09-14, 19:45
I've been having this type of headache today! Hurts when I look down or lie down. It's just your sinuses :)

21-09-14, 19:47
I've got a feeling it's my sinuses as I've got a permanent blocked nose. Jousts annoying I've had it for nearly 9weeks and effects my daily life massively.

21-09-14, 20:33
Yeah I understand, these kind of problems plague me most days :/ you're certainly not alone.

22-09-14, 00:17
Sounds like sinuses to me ... been struggling with my own for 3 months now. I am starting allergy shots. I use a nose spray and antihistamine because mine are allergy-related. I also use a neti-pot.

22-09-14, 13:39
My life is just miserable right now I'm struggling to do simple things like go to the shop due to the headaches and lightheadedness. I had an appointment today and briefly had to walk holding the wall because I just felt like i was going to fall over :(

Female healthanxiety
22-09-14, 15:06

I so know how you feel. I feel exactly the same the last 7 weeks and as a result lost my job, so I completely sympathise with what your going through.

I do bits and pieces, but as you feel like I have to hold onto things. I just put petrol in as I had to been running on low for about a couple of days.

What had your DR suggested?


22-09-14, 16:30
Female health anxiety I've been following your posts and your in the same boat as me except I'm having awful headaches with it and sometimes sickness. I'm laying down all the time as it's less noticeable then walking is just awful and going out is horrendous I went shopping before and I just kept feeling as if I was gonna pass out I felt so spaced out.

I've been referred to a neurologist. He thinks migraine or sinuses I've gotta have an MRI to check.

Female healthanxiety
23-09-14, 14:04
Yes and yours too xx

Do you feel anything with your sinuses? (I personally don't)

Hope your having a better day today?


23-09-14, 17:31
I have eye pressure which can be to do with sinuses but can also be part of migraines as we'll so hard to say that's why he's arranged the scan to rule out obviously anything nasty or something as simple as sinuses or neck issues. He thinks I'm suffering with a chronic severe migraine which can last up to 12weeks. I'm on week 9! I've been signed off work for 3weeks already and I've got doctors tomorrow to review my sick note.

Today has been ok actually I'm really lightheaded and spaced out still but no headache not had to take my painkillers today which is a miracle! What about you x

23-09-14, 17:42
I had horrendous headaches and pressure behind my eyes, temples, cheekbones, forehead on one side last summer, and they went on for more than 2months.
It was down to sinus problems, connected to a shoulder and neck problem - in the end, an osteopath sorted it out.