View Full Version : Crazy over hygiene?making me have High health anxiety

20-09-14, 14:09
I'm currently pregnant and My mums living with me for a while and she is a smoker I have never and will be a smoker and can't stand the smell, she smokes outside but the problem is I can smell it on her breath all the time and clothes.
Also she's very very old school and I've just found out that she hasn't been washing her hands after touching raw meats like bacon which she eats every morning
She said it's just chicken you have to wash your hands after. Now I've got it into my head that my whole house is contaminated I feel like scrubbing everything down and I'm so stressed out I've told her everything I'm worried about she doesn't think I'm being serious and thinks I'm going crazy and too hygienic I'm scared that my baby is being harmed and I'm also paranoid you can smell smoke in my house even tho she doesn't smoke in it she's gonna be here for a while longer and I don't know how to cope with this :(

20-09-14, 16:21
It's quite normal to become more hygiene conscious when you are pregnant. Your mum should be washing her hands after handling any raw meat, but I don't think you need to disinfect the whole house.

I lived with my mother for a few months when I was pregnant, she was also a smoker, and although she didn't smoke around me, I could always smell it on her. The smell used to stay in my nostrils, and I could smell it even when I was in bed at night. It used to drive me mad. You are not crazy, as I said, this is natural when you are pregnant, as all your protective instincts towards your growing baby are to the forefront, and your sense of smell is heightened.

If your mum only smokes outside, you and your baby will be fine, although I appreciate how annoying you find this.