View Full Version : Handling a relapse

20-09-14, 17:16
Hello, everybody!

My name is Yiannis and I am a 23-year-old from Greece. I posted some messages on here a few weeks ago, addressing my social anxiety and feelings of hopelessness I had at the time.

Since that, I started sessions with a therapist and it's been really helpful, from the first day even. I guess I just was at a point of my life that I was ready to get better. And so I did. Despite a very complicated situation I was in, I managed to get a few days that could be characterized as "normal" or almost anxiety-free.

I was so relieved that I had seen a light in my life, even if it was a small one. Now I knew there was something on the other side. But, in a series of unfortunate events, everything went downhill from there. I got tonsilitis and had to stay at bed for quite a few days and the problem was there was no bed to lay on, as I was evicted. I had to be taken in by a friend and the only who could do that was a friend of mine who always brings me down, in a variety of ways.

Long story short, it's been almost a month now, of almost only negative news for me. I'm still homeless, I stay at a different friend's house every other day, I had to give up my cat, the interview for a Master's degree is creeping up around the corner and no one seems to be able to help. And the scariest thought of all is that I just can't get over my ex. That leaves me alone, as I am so disappointed in myself and love that I can't even look at another man after what happened between the two of us.

I just feel alone, without a place to call my own, no money, no boyfriend. I can't even go back to my folks' house, as they live out of town and last time I visited I got such an awful panic attack that I am too scared to visit again anytime soon. How can I stay focused on the light that I found back in August? How can I persuade myself that there is another way in this life and, somehow, I caught a little glimpse of it. How can I remember life when I'm all alone and miserable?

Any advice is welcome, even small talk. I have to get my mind off things.

20-09-14, 18:41
Yiannis it will get better I promise. I'm going through a bit of a blip at the moment and it feels horrible but it will pass and it will for you. It might be a good idea for you to stay with your parents for a bit so they can be there for you and you have some support until you're feeling better. I know you had a panic attack there but the best thing to do is go back and prove to yourself that there is nothing to be afraid of! Always remember as well that you will always find help and support on here whenever you need it! xxx

20-09-14, 19:02
Sorry to read about your troubles & the loss of your home, it must feel awful. Is there any help available from the university,a charity or even the church? Could your parents help financially? Could they visit you in Athens & help out?
It will take time to get over the breakup of your relationship - you are grieving. Focus your energies on finding somewhere to live and your studies. Romance can wait. When you have a home, tackling other issues will become easier. Its a shame about your cat because caring for a pet can be therapeutic. They will always love you.
I hope things start to improve for you soon.

21-09-14, 17:34
Thank you very much for your response, guys, it's much appreciated :)

Lucinda, I will have more money in 10 days or so, and I will then be able to get a new apartment. It just all feels so urgent, I have to have my own personal space, to relax, cook, sleep, be by myself. I'm tired of crashing on my friends' couch and I don't like to be a burden on others, even in a situation like that.

Things are better today though :)

21-09-14, 17:43
I would hate to have to stay at friends all the time.
But in 2 weeks you will be able to find a new appartment and enjoy your own space again. Thats good news, so just hang in there!

22-09-14, 00:31
Hi Yiannis

The feeling of a "relapse" is horrible so I can empathise with you. For me, it's always the sensation that something bad is going to happen very soon, and I have nothing to look forward to in life (despite having MANY things to look forward to!).

It is a shame about your situation, and so sorry about your cat. The furry ones make such good therapists! I would suggest when you get your apartment back to adopt another cat, they are so healthy for the soul.

In the mean time, keep busy with hobbies, even something as simple as going for a walk. This will stop you from sitting around and dwelling on the past and the current situation. Know that you will move forward, and things will get better. Stay positive!

Hope that helped :)