View Full Version : My health anxiety is ruining my life

20-09-14, 17:17
Hi guys, very new to this but have read a few threads on here and realise more than a diagnosis it's jus reassurance I need.

So hi I'm Jess, and I have a very bad case of hyperchondria and cyberchondria !

I'm 26 years old and my anxiety is worse than ever. I've always been nervous even as a kid went through stages where I wouldn't leave the house because I was going to get eaten by a dog, struck by lightning etc. All very normal things of course! Haha.

So about 6 months ago I started working in a doctors surgery as a receptionist. And out of nowhere I began to have these symptoms and feelings that were all very new to me. I'd go to bed at night and my heart would be pounding and racing as if I'd just ran a marathon where infact all I was doing was lying still. I ten began to experience pains in my left arm. Which worried me due to the connection between these 2 symptoms. Then eventually I started having the dreaded chest pains. That's it. I had heart disease and I was going to lose my life to a heart attack. This is when my life really went downhill. So I had reassurance from my dr that it was anxiety. Had a few weeks of cbt. Started to feel better. Then my therapist told me she was happy with the way I'd progressed and referred me back to my gp's care. Since stopping my cbt my symptoms have returned with a vengeance and I keep telling myself 'it can't be a coincidence of course they're back because your no longer have reassurance from a therapist' but it isn't helping. I've recently started having globus symptoms which are driving me crazy in thinking my throat is going to physically close up and that I won't be able to breath. Visited my gp who put it down to my GERD which is linked with my anxiety. I guess all I'm trying to ask is if I'm not the only one in this wicked situation. And is it affecting everyone else lives likes it's affecting and ruining mine. Am I the only one who keeps getting reassurance from therapists and GPs and still believe there's something seriously wrong with me?? Just don't want to do anything anymore. Feel like utter s**t all the time (which really isn't like me at all). Some advice also on whether you think me working in a GP's surgery is somehow affecting my health anxiety would be brilliant.

Thanks in advance guys :) xxx

20-09-14, 17:58
You said it yourself - "since stopping cbt, my symptoms have come back with a vengeance."
If you leave your job because you think it may be causing you anxiety, you are continuing a viscious cycle - you need to find a way to face what you think makes you anxious and realise at it's nothing to be afraid of. Sure, working n a medical environment will make you more aware of health issues, but will only be a problem if you already have HA...So, you need to deal with the HA.

Try the cbt by techniques you learnt. They worked before and they will again.:yesyes:

21-09-14, 02:26
I completely understand!

The reassurance from health professionals puts your mind at ease for a while but then you find yourself doubting whether they were correct or not etc.

I myself suffer from heart related HA and experience alot of the same symptoms you have described and I think everyone who suffers from HA can relate to how you feel but I really don't think giving up your job will help, not in the long term anyway.

I work in a pharmacy, and when my HA really started to kick in I wondered if a career change might help, but then there's no saying another job would be any easier for your anxiety.

I think the best thing to do is work through your HA in whatever way works best for you... For me, I meditate, it doesn't always work, but I keep trying!

21-09-14, 06:29
There is one thing you said that really stood out to me which you mentioned here:

Am I the only one who keeps getting reassurance from therapists and GPs and still believe there's something seriously wrong with me?? Just don't want to do anything anymore. Feel like utter s**t all the time (which really isn't like me at all).

I deal with the same thing. I've been to the doctors seven times yet I'm always thinking that something is wrong with me. Seemingly inconspicuous things can drive me to the brink of panic and insanity all the time for me. I thought my headaches were because I had a brain tumor, but they turned out to be cervicogenic headaches caused from bad posture and tight neck muscles. I thought the chest pains were a sure sign of a heart attack but it turned out to be GERD. You also mentioned CBT and how it helped you before, so I'd advise you to keep doing that and talk to the therapist about what goes on in your mind with this sort of thing and they'll really help you get over this type of anxiety, :)

21-09-14, 14:21
I am exactly the same , not convinced I'm actually just thinking right now about going to A&E as I just had an ache on the left of my chest . Silly me I had a few too many wines last night and I'm suffering today with ha , palpitations I get all the time just when doing nothing it's so worrying.
Are you happy in your job ?

21-09-14, 15:17
It's so reassuring to hear that I'm not alone although I feel for you all because it is such a horrid feeling. I love my job, and believe it or not I find it very interesting. I'd hate to have to leave there. It's strange that feelings come on with anxiousness as to be honest apart from when I have the symptoms I NEVER feel anxious. That's why sometimes I wonder is it anxiety bringing on these symptoms or is it actual symptoms bringing on my ancidty. Caught in a very vicious circle! Thank you all for your advice, I sympathise with you all.xx

21-09-14, 15:55
Yep totally with you on this, mine is taking over every aspect of my life, my work has dropped massivley due to the face i cannot concentrate, the only time I feel safe is when I am in my room or at the doctors..