View Full Version : Where do I go from here

20-09-14, 21:16
Well I have been off medication from GAD for 4 months after 13 years. Things are slowly getting worse, I am currently going through CBT which does help and using mindfulness. I feel I am at a bit of a cross roads though. Do I keep going slowly getting worse or admit defeat and try some sort of low dose medication.
Currently my physical and mental symptoms are overwhelming and impacting my ability on work and live my life. Everyday the anxiety seems to affect every part of my body. Headaches, sore neck, blurred vision, dry eyes, sinusitis, dry nose, gastritis, tired, dizziness, flu like symptoms insomnia. Mentally exhausted cant concentrate, strange thoughts and to be honest I am struggling with what future I have.
I know what's wrong but I have no energy to exercise after working as even that I am struggling with every day. I never seem to get rest bite it is constant but every one says this will get better in time. I don't avoid anything, I work every day and do the right things mainly but I see no light, no way forward. I tried kalms etc herbs it just makes me fell worse.
Where do I go from here.

21-09-14, 00:05
I don't know that I'd call it admitting defeat, Ross, if an antidepressant would help you feel better? Why did you come off them in the first place, were there things you didn't like about them?

When I talked to my doc, after years off of them and getting beyond worse, I reminded him why I came off them in the first place, and talked about what I hoped to avoid and what I had found helpful. He picked something completely different for me, and so far, so good! Time will tell, but I really wasn't functioning properly without the meds, so I feel like I have nothing to lose! Then again, I'm not working, so going through startup side effects at home was not a deal. ... Don't know how you feel about yoga or just a walk around the block when you get home, but I understand your exhaustion. It never fails though, if I drag my butt to yoga or work through a cd, I feel calmer. :hugs:

21-09-14, 14:45
I came off as escitalopram 20mg seemed to be slowly not being as effective anymore and switched to Prozac which was a disaster. I was tired on escit but at least I could sort of function. I am seeing my gp soon to discuss and might try a very low dose ad, maybe even escit again. Cant be worse than this.

23-09-14, 13:25
I don't know that I'd call it admitting defeat, Ross, if an antidepressant would help you feel better? Why did you come off them in the first place, were there things you didn't like about them?

When I talked to my doc, after years off of them and getting beyond worse, I reminded him why I came off them in the first place, and talked about what I hoped to avoid and what I had found helpful. He picked something completely different for me, and so far, so good! Time will tell, but I really wasn't functioning properly without the meds, so I feel like I have nothing to lose! Then again, I'm not working, so going through startup side effects at home was not a deal. ... Don't know how you feel about yoga or just a walk around the block when you get home, but I understand your exhaustion. It never fails though, if I drag my butt to yoga or work through a cd, I feel calmer. :hugs:

What you on XXX