View Full Version : Heart worries - heart races when I stand up

21-09-14, 14:43
Hi, just wanted some advice. I've had heart worries for about 2 years now, I've noticed that in the mornings especially, my heart races when I stand up, not really fast but just so I can feel it, when I sit down it slows down, I'm not sure whether it's because I haven't eaten so the adrenaline causes my heart to beat faster? I have had two egc's, my heart checked by numerous doctors and I still feel rubbish and scared!

21-09-14, 16:16
If your not eating then this will cause an increased heart rate, are you doing any exercise or do you spend most of your time sitting, everybody has an increased heart rate as soon as they move, that's why the so called normal heart rate is at rest as in having done nothing for 10/15 minutes and then you get up and it goes up maybe 10/20 BPM so don't worry and please eat a bit of breakfast as maybe your sugar levels are down as well.:hugs:

24-09-14, 14:55
I have this almost every day when my anxiety is peaked, izzie. It's horrid because it's almost like you can feel the blood whooshing up through your entire system when it happens.

Low blood sugar is a good shout, but also have you had your BP checked recently? Mine is naturally on the low side, usually around 100/60-70 and my doctor believes this is why I feel these rushes of dizziness when I stand up. That coupled with anxiety is a recipe for disaster!! I don't know about you, but my anxiety is always higher first thing in the morning. It's like I'll be laying there thinking "oh, I actually feel o-OH no I don't never mind." Haha!

Also I've found that drinking plenty of water before going to bed helps me with this. If it is a BP issue then it will thin the blood making it easier for your heart to pump around your body :)

Not only that but upon waking we all get a rush of cortisol to our systems which is affectionately called the "stress hormone." This, too, can cause the sensations you've mentioned :)

I hope that helps! Doesn't make it any less uncomfortable but can help to make it less worrying at least :) x

26-09-14, 23:38
Thank you for your reply! My Bp is normal but going to make an appointment with the doctor to see if there's anything I can have to check my heart as it's my main worry! Will definitely try drinking water and see if it helps, thank you again for the reply xx

Seamus Ireland
27-09-14, 00:46
Hi Lzzie2494,
Sounds like you have a good healthy heart, when we stand up after sitting / resting for a period of time we need more " oxygen rich blood" to keep our muscles working , when resting a healthy heart rate will gradually drop as the demand for oxgen rich blood is less. The Human heart is incredibly strong beating around 100,000 times a day pumping around 23000 litres of blood around your body everyday. CBT would help you overcome this and exercise would help restore confidence in your hearts health.

27-09-14, 10:00
I think one of the biggest problems with anxiety sufferers is that we are SO in tune with our bodily sensations that we find it almost impossible to distinguish between what is normal and what isn't, due to it feeling so heightened to us!

Sometimes I get anxious about feeling breathless pushing my daughters pushchair up a steep hill, thinking my heart is useless, but any normal person would be the same! :)

28-09-14, 18:44
Thank you both for your replies! I agree totally I think because I'm noticing my heart I think it's beating abnormally when it isn't, will definitely speak to my dr about getting CBT xxx