View Full Version : Is this a lymp node?

21-09-14, 15:53
Okay, have totally just freaked out, major panic attack right now.

I was working out, was working on chest, was just looking in the mirror and for some reason started to feel above my collar bone, and one side felt harder than the other, I don't know if it is an actual lump or maybe just muscle, my mum has just checked and she said it fine and nothing there, but I am convinced I can feel something, I can only feel something when I am standing up, when I lay down both sides feel the same, I am so so scared right now and really freaking out, had enough of all this worry...

21-09-14, 16:25
When i push my arms back i can see a swelling on both sides above my collarbones bigger on left... frwaked by it but dr said nothing and ive had ct scan was all normal... still freaks me out tho duno what it is doesnt feel like a lump when i touch it tho just feels like normal tissue etc and its not there when im just sat normal only when i pull arms back. I can feel little pea sized node on left side too

22-09-14, 14:41
this is what mine feels like, not so much a lump but maybe tissue which seems more raised than the other side, I have had 4 members of my family check it and they all said it is nothing and nothing there, but I am convinced it is something bad.