View Full Version : Waking up in the night

22-09-14, 05:15
Anyone else have sleep disturbances!

I wake up like clockwork every night at 4-5am and take about half an hour an hour to get back to sleep if I can, I'm wide awake!

Is this insomnia? I have no problem actually getting to sleep at bedtime and I am absolutely shattered in the day because of it. I just keep waking up at the exact same time wide awake.

22-09-14, 05:42
Wide awake here as well:unsure:my sleep pattern as always not been that good
but this last week it's gone awful where I sleep for 30/40 minutes then wake anxious
I am seriously considering sleeping tablets, my mind just won't switch off....have you ever taken any Manda

22-09-14, 09:28
Anyone else have sleep disturbances!

I wake up like clockwork every night at 4-5am and take about half an hour an hour to get back to sleep if I can, I'm wide awake!

Is this insomnia? I have no problem actually getting to sleep at bedtime and I am absolutely shattered in the day because of it. I just keep waking up at the exact same time wide awake.
ive just posted on another thread about this,I also have no problem getting to sleep but wake between 3-4 in the morning and cant get back to sleep.
ADs can cause this but ive been off mine for 6 months now,some nights i will sleep till 5.30 but wake on the dot 5.30 with no alarm.I would love a lie in one day :)

22-09-14, 15:17
This is me all over at the minute 6:30 this morning 5:30 day before 4:30, 5:30 6, 7!

Used to be a great sleeper!


23-09-14, 07:18
As regular as clockwork, I usually fall asleep around 12 midnight, then wake-up between 2-3am, turn TV on and manage to fall asleep again, wake up about 4am, turn TV on and fall asleep again and then wake up around 6-7am. I use to worry about my sleep pattern but now just accept the situation. About once a week I have a night when I cannot sleep at all so, don't try, just read or sew or watch TV.

23-09-14, 09:33
As regular as clockwork, I usually fall asleep around 12 midnight, then wake-up between 2-3am, turn TV on and manage to fall asleep again, wake up about 4am, turn TV on and fall asleep again and then wake up around 6-7am. I use to worry about my sleep pattern but now just accept the situation. About once a week I have a night when I cannot sleep at all so, don't try, just read or sew or watch TV.
Frankie I have excepted it but it still makes me feel like crap during the day.Since ive had kids my sleep is much lighter ,before kids i could sleep through a hurricane :D

23-09-14, 10:31
MrAndy that's the same as me. I slept like a log till I had my little girl.

Kids eh lol

23-09-14, 11:08
MrAndy that's the same as me. I slept like a log till I had my little girl.

Kids eh lol
one bit of advice i can give you is dont take sleep meds ,they only stop working after a while and you get serioulsy addicted to them.Ive been there and done that.I take zma http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ZMA_(supplement) which helps quite a bit
sweet dreams :cloud9:

23-09-14, 11:38
I wouldn't want to take them anyway! I have a big fear of meds and side effects I've always thought if I take a sleeping tablet I won't wake up again lol x

23-09-14, 13:12
We haven't always slept without interruptions - there is a very interesting article from the BBC here:
