View Full Version : omeprazole not working

22-09-14, 08:06
My dr has put me on omeprazole 40mg for 2 months as I have heartburn pretty much all day,every day and have done for about 5 months He says it is caused by my anxiety/stress and I am also on 10 mg citalopram.

I've been on it for 3 weeks now and it's not working, I'm so fed up. I just wondered if anyone else has had this issue. I'm not drinking tea,coffee watching what I eat but I must admit some days I get so fed up I just think sod it and eat what I want. It doesn't seem to make any difference what I eat anyway.

Another dr has booked me in for a blood test for Heli pylori in a couple of weeks but I'm not convience it's that.

Any advice people? What would you do in the meantime, my normal dr is on holdiay until the end of the month.

22-09-14, 09:25
I take it you've drastically changed your diet, if not its a must!

I was diagnosed with mild Gastritis back in january, was on Omeprazole, now weaning myself off of it. Its key that you eliminate all acid producing foods, milk, fruits etc etc otherwise you're fighting a losing battle. Once the acid and your stress is under control you can then start to repair your damaged stomach.

22-09-14, 10:39
Frankly you can medicate for GERD all you like, but it's a product of diet and until you adjust your diet accordingly all medication will do is mask the problem at best.

22-09-14, 12:44
Thanks guys

what would recommend, so far I've swapped to soya milk, no tea or coffee
no tomatoe based products,spicy foods,chocolate or fatty foods.
Are you still on the diet or have you reintroduced certain foods.

Chewing gum after a meal helps for a while but I more or less have a constant sore throat as the acid comes up.

Any advice would be great x

22-09-14, 12:52
Smoking and alcohol are another 2 things to avoid as well.

22-09-14, 12:58
I don't smoke or drink :weep:

22-09-14, 13:02
That's good then Mags

22-09-14, 13:19
Actually chewing gum stimulates the gut to produce acid, so I have no idea why that helps.

Have you been diagnosed with anything like GERD or Gastritis?

If you have gastritis I recommend you look into DGL Licorice and Pepzin GI.