View Full Version : Brain tumour back again....

28-12-06, 16:17
Hi everybody,

Im really freaking out at the mo.Got intense pressure in my head along with blocked ears,nose and eye pressure aswell.Been like this on and off for the last few months.


Take care,Candie xxx

28-12-06, 16:21
Sounds like sinuses and NOT a brain tumour.

Get yourself one of those inhaler things that you put drops of olbas oil in and then inhale. It will really clear your head - I have got one.


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel

28-12-06, 16:32
my husband gets this a lot it definitly sounds like sinuses dont worry love julie xx

29-12-06, 05:36
Are you sure you're not me? :)
I have exactly the same thing and I keep thinking it's a brain tumor too! But, nope. It's a sinus problem.
Go to your doctor and see if you can get some kind of antibiotics, or an inhaler or something for it. You'll feel better very quickly!

“Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength.”


29-12-06, 10:10
Hi candie, definately sounds like your sinuses.
These can cause intense pressure in your head, go and see the doc for a spray , tablets etc.
My friend has suffered with this for years and just recently had a small op on them as it was so bad.
If it was a tumour you would have a lot more symptoms, try not to worry and tc xx

miss diagnosis
30-12-06, 15:45
I had this. get the vicks nasel inhaler. its brilliant

30-12-06, 22:52

My younger brother had a brain tumour, and the symptoms you're talking about would definitiely not mean you have a brain tumour, believe me. I'm not going to say what the symptoms are like, because I don't want to plant any thoughts in your head to start you worrying!

Don't worry, you're fine


31-12-06, 01:02
Thankyou everyone for all your replies,theyve been very helpful....

Take care all of you,Candie xx