View Full Version : Nervous!

22-09-14, 17:40
Hi guys,

I didn't really know where to post this, but I have recently met a guy and we have been getting on really well. I am at a point in my life now where I have just finished university and looking for full time work so everything is abit in the air and its a period of change that I am not dealing so well with. I am having really anxious moments at the minute and throughout the day I am feeling light headed, emotional and just generally down! I don't know what to tell this guy, I feel almost embarrassed to tell him I have anxiety disorder incase he thinks it weird or something and will leg it! Has anyone been in this situation with a guy that you have started seeing? Did you tell them sooner rather than later? I don't want to scare him away already!!

Thank you.


22-09-14, 19:11
You'd be surprised. I've told friends and then-partners that I have an anxiety disorder (worded more like 'I suffer from anxiety') and they just go 'Ow really? I wouldn't have known.' It's not something that people think we're weird, just says to them that we worry more than the average Joe. As long as you don't make it a part of you they don't see it as anything, really.

24-09-14, 11:39
I have had a similar situation with either past girlfriends or with friends, if there is ever a time i have needed to tell them for one reason or another i have found that actually it isnt frowned upon like we assume it is going to be. I suppose its also the way you go about it, if you sit him down and talk to him for an hour straight while breaking down at the same time that probs wont help ! Best thing to do is get into a good state of mind then just say look i suffer anxiety and sometimes you may have to bare with me ! Im sure the guy will understand as millions of people in the world suffer from this including myself ! Hope all goes well