View Full Version : Lump above collar bone

22-09-14, 22:23
I first noticed this lump around 3 years ago, it doesn't appear to be where your lymph nodes are (i've been frantically looking at pictures for the past 15 mins) but it seems to be just to the side and slightly above where they should be above your collar bone. The lump is around the size of a marble or slightly bigger, quite moveable but not soft which worries me. It is painless but becomes tender the move I poke it. My mum told me she went to the doctors with a similar thing when she found a lump in her neck and the doctor told her it was a lipoma (fatty deposit) I made her let me check it and it does feel similar but i'm still panicking! my worry is the size, location and the fact that it's hard. Can anyone relate or put my mind at some kind of ease? after googling i'm now certain I either have lymphoma or some kind of aneurysm of the main artery in your neck just waiting to burst. Please help!

23-09-14, 09:37
I can't put your mind at ease as I am too going through the same thing right now, a sort of lump above my right collar bone/lower neck, been worried all weekend and got a doctors appointment at 2pm today, but try to stay positive, more likely a piece of muscle or tissue.

23-09-14, 11:19
I have some lumpiness above my left collarbone feels abiy same fatty and ive noticed when i push my arms back left side sticks up more than right. Ivr bern checked had tests even ct scan and all normal
Ive some aches around left side too but dr says alls ok so duno what mine is