View Full Version : Thinking Too Much about Blood Pressure

23-09-14, 04:26
aaannnnddd likely raising it in the process :P

Actually I've been pretty good about working through my panic attacks with breathing exercises, learning to chill out, and various other techniques.

Anyway, so the story is that sent me on this... FUN ride of health anxiety is that I noticed a skip beat ( like my heart was waiting to beat- since then I learned a lot about the nature of the heart and what not) and went to the ER, and while I was not experiencing nausea and severe chest pain, I was worried.

So they ran an ekg ( because I did notice a simply odd sensation in my chest) bunch of blood tests, X ray, and having me just lay down- and though everything was fine with my heart my blood pressure was.. REALLY high - 200 over 100, so they put me on temporary meds and recommended me to a GP.

So before this gets too long - after a few other scares, a second ekg and a stress test - my blood pressure is lower and my heart is still JUST FINE.

Though, I'm still worried about my blood pressure, like it's a little troll sneaking around when I'm not looking, and spiking- like HORRENDOUSLY- but every time I check it it's good, it's excellent even! I, on my doctor's orders, keeping a log of my blood pressure for her. My last two readings are like my best ones yet in fact.

115 over 89, and then a few days later 102 over 74. Other than my heart rate being a little elevated due to me being anxious about taking bp readings ( occasionally going above 100 beats per minute) and both of those times not being the exception. I think this is pretty good. ( keep in mind i maintain an exercise routine and am pretty strict about my diet and the amount of sodium I have daily, as well as I'm on lisinopril 20 mg.)

This being said any of you worry about that kind of thing? And if you have any knowledge about blood pressure- can you offer any about it's ranges in fluctuation during the day? I can't imagine it spiking above 180 with it as it is right now, but you know I'm no doctor, and maybe you know something I don't.

I really appreciate the input and the support this community has to offer, I look forward to it guys. Thank you !

So I guess any info you can offer I'd appreciate it!

24-09-14, 19:01
I have really bad hypertension I'm on meds now Amlodipine , Losartan and furosemide been on them a couple of years . Can I ask do you have your own BP monitor ? If you do chuck it away you'll drive yourself mad with it

24-09-14, 19:15
Thinking too much can effect it, but I disagree about the monitor.

I always had ok blood pressure. It was on the high end of normal. One day I got a high reading (160/100). I had a lot going on at that time, and it freaked me out...
I ended up taking it day in, and day out... always getting that reading. A month earlier it was fine!
I finally had a 24hr monitor done (at my instance) and it was ok.

For 2 yrs I avoided taking my BP, and I avoided my annual physical.

Last yr I finally had to have my annual, and I got another 155/100. The doc told me to take it at home and monitor it.

I thought this would be a nightmare. At first I was obsessive. But over time (one or 2 weeks) I wasn't as nervous anymore. I accepted the higher readings, and although not happy - they didn't make me anxious. And guess what? My readings came down!

I even didn't believe the device, and took it with me. It matched what the doc had...

1 yr later, and most of the time the device collects dust.

So I think a device may be good, but it depends on your personality.